CP of Pakistan, CPP message on 150th anniversary of Comrade Lenin

4/23/20, 3:15 PM
  • Pakistan, Communist Party of Pakistan On the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin En Asia Communist and workers' parties

Today is the 150th birthday anniversary of great revolutionary, leader and teacher of the worlds proletariat, Comrade Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov born 22 April 1870)

Leninism is the legacy of Marx and Engles. Guided by their teachings comrade Lenin led the great October socialist revolution to curb out exploitation of the forces of production and for the progress and prosperity of mankind.

In view of Marxist philosophy comrade Lenin’s unparalleled brilliance made it possible and practicable what was unthinkable before. He defined and explained imperialism, coined the idea of proletarian party, elaborated national question and created road map for communists to resolve it, under-marked the agrarian question , highlighting that without the participation of peasants socialist revolution will not be possible especially in the countries where majority of population consist of peasantry.

He emphasized on struggle for socialist revolution, not only in countries having advanced means and forces of production but also in the countries with week loops in capitalist imperialist system. He said, “where ever the chains of exploitation and slavery can be broken, should be broken, so that drainage of capital from underdeveloped poor countries can be plugged and proletariat of these imperialist countries should rise for revolution”.

Considering the trends of opportunism in international communist movement, comrade Lenin abstained himself from the second international and organized third international to clarify the strategy of struggle without reformism. For true revolutionaries to liberate the world from waged and national slavery.

As today terrible exploitative system of Financial Capital has overwhelmed the entire humanity. This system is destroying nature, has plunged the global community into wars, as a result millions of people are compelled to leave their homeland and facing miseries in far away places of asylum. Humanity is left to suffer from diseases epidemics with nefarious objectives to capture global markets. Pandemic of Corona virus has exposed the capitalist system. Working class is facing joblessness and famine, even the middle class is facing the same fate. Horrible bombs are being piled up but nothing is there to save lives, health system has also become a source of making money instead of saving lives.

Under these circumstances, teaching of comrade Lenin is beacon light for communists to act. It is imperative to create a new world after pandemic of Corona virus. Workers of the world will have to unite and topple the ruling classes of their respective countries and abolish the profit based system.

For us Leninism is not a faith but the opponents’ such censure provokes the Leninist to leave his ideology. They ask us to abandon the idea of revolution through monolithic Leninist party , teaching us to try reforms in capitalist system through parties like Aam Admi Party in India. Their loud slogans of democratic socialism are barren tricks to distract us from the task of revolution. We are aware of these conspiracies and can handle them.

The capitalist system of course is a system of waging slavery and its foundation is rooted in corruption. In the name of democracy it is actually a system of feudal and capitalist dictatorship.

In countries like Pakistan even the status quo parties have to make compromises with establishment and imperialist forces to come into power after electoral process. Survival of their governments depend upon submission to the instructions of these forces. Disobedience can cause them removal from power through Martial Law or otherwise, the leadership of the party will face humiliation, imprisonment even death by hanging. Under these circumstances revolutionary communists are left with no other choice except socialist revolution and this is the lesson of teaching of Leninism.

We do not forget comrade Lenin.

Red salute to comrade Lenin on his 150th birthday.

Politburo Communist Party of Pakistan.

Communist Party of Pakistan
Central Secretariat: D-168, Naseem Nagar Phase-III, Hyderabad, Sindh. 
Phone: +92-22-2670231, Fax: +92-22-2670231, Mob: +92-333-2714014, +92-300-3065723, 
E-Mail: cppk1948@gmail.com      Web: www.cppak.pk 



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