The Statement Released to the Media by Imdad kazi, SG CPP on the Current Political Situation in Pakistan.
Hyderabad (PR), the CPP is convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that every political conflict and embroilment is germane to economic interests. With these intrinsic dynamics the current political stage is set for the drama by the powers-that-be with dramatis personae belonging to Pakistan People's Party and Muslim League (N) with feudal, aristocratic and chieftainship background to fight their war of turf at the expense of deprived masses. They have been hectically carrying out loot and plunder of the resources of the country without any qualm of conscience. They have multiplied their wealth and assets manifolds but still will not rest on that. On the contrary, the masses have been left in the lurch without having any job opportunities or sound agricultural and industrial foundations to provide them with two-square meals. Consequently, the masses have bogged down in abject poverty with no hope whatsoever of riddance.
On the political scene, in retrospect, the disgruntled elements of the aforementioned parties having failed to get their share of a pie jumped the bandwagon of the PTI to complete their unfinished agenda of pulling off their ill-gotten share. They tried their level best to heap wretchedness upon the underprivileged in the garb of mafias through black marketing, bootlegging, racketeering, etc and thus deprive them of their bread without butter. In the past four years, the plunder of billions was continued unabated by the corrupt rulers to line up their life of luxury, wealth and power while the people were subjected to heavy taxes and unprecedented inflation to pay through their nose.
The Generals of the security establishment did not lag behind to make hay while the sun shone. They misappropriated billions of rupees in addition to getting untenable tax rebates for their business and industrial empires to evolve into a class of their own. Following in the footsteps of the feudals, aristocrats and tribal chieftains, these corrupt Generals turned themselves into tycoons and magnates in their short span of service.
This robber-baron elite has a partnership with the global one of its kind. The local robbers take their share of the heist from the people like commission agents before passing it on to the international or global plunderer through imperialist organizations. They both are hand in glove in this brutish crime of banditry. The fresh instance of all this is the current mind-boggling increase in the POL prices of Rs 30 per litre while more increase in it and power tariffs is in the offing.
This statement was released by Comrade Imdad Kazi after a meeting of the politburo to the Media. He added that through concerted designs the previous rulers hacked at the roots of the fragile economy to pave the way for the poor Pakistani nation to get into the debt-trap of the IMF whereas the sitting government of the hardened desperados and criminals instead of taking austerity measures for themselves, hurled the masses into the inferno of inflation and pricehike by accepting inhumane IMF conditions. This surely in coming days will give birth to the chain reaction of backbreaking inflation that will end up in hunger and want with the pathetic condition in which milk and medicine will not be available to the children and elderly.
The CCP calls upon the toiling masses to abstain from being made gunpowder in the battle of the power-hungry elite. It further asks that they should work hard and join forces to emancipate themselves from the exploitation and oppression of the desensitized elite instead of becoming party to the ongoing tussle to ease the way of one group or the other - or of the Generals waiting in the wings - to the power. The masses should cast their illusion that their progress and prosperity is tied up with the rule of either of the groups. Nothing is farther from the truth. The nation can only be put on the path of progress and prosperity if it achieves socialist system by defeating the bloodsucking forces of exploitation and oppression in a successful revolution brought about through people's democracy.
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