CP of Swaziland, Communist Party of Swaziland condemns apartheid Israel’s gruesome attacks on Palestinians, calls for intensification of international solidarity with Palestinian people

5/13/21, 9:06 AM
  • Swaziland, Communist Party of Swaziland Solidarity with Palestine En Africa Communist and workers' parties

12 May 2021

The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) condemns the recent acts of aggression by the Israeli apartheid regime on the people of Palestine. These military attacks by the Israeli regime on Palestinians have led to the death of about 40 Palestinians, including over 12 children, with hundreds more seriously wounded. The CPS stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their determined fight for freedom and calls for the intensification of international solidarity with the people of Palestine in their fight for self-determination.

Since the occupation of Palestine, the Israeli apartheid regime has committed numerous crimes on the Palestinian people. While the people of Palestine have continued to abide by international law on efforts to resolve the conflict imposed by Israel, the Israeli regime has on the other hand wantonly violated all such international agreements and went ahead to evict Palestinians from their land and also constructed illegal settlements there. The CPS thus calls upon the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to punish these arrogant and unremorseful criminals and impose the harshest penalties upon them.

The arrogance of the Israeli regime must be met by intensified international solidarity in support of the gallant struggles waged by the Palestinian people. We Africans know too well the gruesome consequences of apartheid atrocities as the policy of apartheid was imposed by the then racist South African regime before it was defeated by the people. We will thus not standby while the Israeli regime continues its occupation of Palestinian land and slaughters the people of Palestine in pursuit of total control of the land.

The CPS stands in complete solidarity with the people of Palestine and calls for more democratic voices in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the call for justice for Palestine.



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