CP of Turkey, TKP Newsletter 27.01.2020: TKP calls for solidarity after Elazığ earthquake & Protest against high bills

1/27/20, 3:07 PM
  • Turkey, Communist Party of Turkey En Asia Europe Communist and workers' parties



TKP calls for solidarity after the earthquake in Turkey's Elazığ

The earthquake, whose epicenter is Elazığ Sivrice, has once again confronted everyone with the reality of unpreparedness and unplannedness.

As the Communist Party of Turkey, we are closely observing the developments and we declare that we have immediately taken steps to organize solidarity with the people of the region.

Our wish is that the potential losses would be minimal. We express our sincere wishes of recuperation to all our people, especially those in the region.

Communist Party of Turkey




TKP calls to protest extremely high heating expenses 

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has recently started a campaign, calling on the working class of Turkey to protest the extremely high heating bills. Publishing a statement on the issue, TKP says "we are not able to stay warm and we are overcharged."

Petitions will be organized around the country, to be submitted with the following demands

"· VAT, other taxes and TRT (Turkish Radio-Television) contribution reflected on the bills should be cancelled.
· Gas cuts due to debts should be banned. The opening and closing costs should be removed, and the previous opening and closing costs will be refunded.
· All price increases applied in the last two years should be withdrawn.
· Consumption fees from public institutions such as hospitals and schools should be removed.
· The natural gas consumption in homes should be free of charge for determined amounts that will meet the minimum basic need of a family."

For more information about the campaign : https://news.sol.org.tr/tkp-calls-protest-extremely-high-heating-expenses-country-176512


KKE and PAME express solidarity with people of Turkey in earthquake-affected region
The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the All Workers' Militant Front (PAME) have expressed solidarity with and support to the working people of Turkey who were affected by the deadly 6.5 magnitude in eastern Turkey.



Solidarity statement of the European Communist Initiative with French workers

The European Communist Initiative issued a statement expressing its international solidarity with the struggle of the workers in France against the anti-insurance act that the French government is promoting. 

"The Secretariat of the European Communist Initiative expresses its internationalist solidarity with the workers' strikes in France and calls on the workers to express their support for the new strikes organized on 22 and 24 January in defense of labor, social insurance and pension rights, that are being trampled by the policy of the Macron government..."

For full text of the statement: 




Neo-Ottomanism: The political economy of contemporary Turkey

Kemal Okuyan, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) wrote a special article upon invitation by the Communist Party of Britain that is published in Morning Star. Okuyan commented on the background to the dispatch of Turkish troops to Libya and Turkey’s new claims to mineral resources in the eastern Mediterranean.

whether Turkish capitalism adopts a more cautious or more aggressive foreign policy, it is a threat to all peoples in the region, starting with the working people of Turkey.

Just as in any other capitalist country, there is no “good exploitation.” For this reason, the revolutionary movement in Turkey bears the responsibility of transforming Turkey, a country now exercising a very large regional influence, into a country where equality and freedom prevails."


Why do textile workers die?

TKP Central Committee member, Alpaslan Savaş, writes on the workers' struggle in the textile sector, where the risk of occupational accidents is the lowest but workers die in mass, and the recent move of Turkey's textile workers to fight together against the working conditions.

"... A hundred years ago, a hundred years later... From Karachi to Dakha, New York to Halkalı... We witnessed the mass death of textile workers. The risk in the textile sector does not originate from the work itself but the factory owner. As we say 'not an accident, occupational murder', this is the case in the textile sector more profoundly. One of the reasons for this occupational murder is the impudence of the bosses..."



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