CP of the Russian Federation, Condolences of the CC of the CPRF on the death of NguyenPhuTrong, SG of the CC of the CP of Vietnam

7/25/24, 2:24 PM
  • Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation En Asia Europe Communist and workers' parties

Condolences of the CC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation  on the death of Nguyen Phu Trong, Secretary General of the CC of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

To the CentralCommittee of the CommunistParty of Vietnam,

To comrade To Lam,the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.



The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and all Russian communists express deep sorrow over the death of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong,  Secretary Generalof the CC of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

An outstandingpoliticianandstatesmanofVietnampassed away.Hewashighlyrespectedby the Partymembersand the people of Vietnam.Many years of fruitfulwork for thefuture benefit of hissocialistmotherland resulted in his high authority.

A wisepolitician, an experiencedParty and State leader and a great patriot, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong devoted his life to struggle for happiness and prosperity of the people. His name is intimatelyassociated withoutstandingsocio-economicachievementsplacingVietnamamong the mostdynamicallydevelopingeconomiesin the world.

RussianCommunistsandmillions of our citizens are grateful to comradeNguyenPhuTrongforstrengtheningcooperation between ourtwocountries.Hispersonalcontribution to theVietnamese-Russianfriendship is enormous.Weknowhimas a trueandreliablefriend of ourcountry since his study in the SovietUnion.

WehighlyappreciatecomradeNguyenPhuTrong’saffortinstrengtheningrelationsbetweenourparties.In2020, in commemoration of the 150thanniversary of Lenin's birth, hewasawardedLeninPrizeforscientificdevelopment of actualproblems of socialism,strengtheningfriendlyandfraternal relations between the peoples of VietnamandRussia and greatpersonalcontributionin building the socialist society.The award was given on behalf of the CPRF CC.

We expressoursincerecondolences to the family of comradeNguyenPhuTrong,hisfriendsandassociates and allcitizens of Vietnam.

We will alwayskeepinourhearts the brightmemoryofComradeNguyenPhuTrong, anindomitablefighterforsocialism, a truecommunistandourbigfriend.


Chairman of the CC CPRF