In the fights against the fascists in the Second World War, 8.6 million Red Army soldiers, 305,000 Yugoslav partisans, 300,000 American soldiers and 270,000 British soldiers were killed. So the biggest victims after the Red Army fighters were the fighters of the partisan units in Yugoslavia. In July 1941, the Communist Party with its 12,000 members organized an armed uprising against the fascist occupiers. Already in the fall, Uzice and its surroundings were liberated, where the Republic of Uzice was formed, with a weapons factory and a printing house and a the authorities. It was the only free territory in enslaved Europe, and by the end of the war, there would be free territories in various parts of Yugoslavia. The partisan movement was the only anti-fascist movement in Yugoslavia. Partisan units were formed in all parts of Yugoslavia and the communists were the bravest fighters and made up the entire command staff. Without outside help, they inflicted serious losses on the fascists and their servants. Hitler was furious because he had to hire 200,000 to 450,000 soldiers on the Yugoslav battlefield in the fights with the partisans, which he planned for the Eastern Front, and that was the direct help of the partisans to the fraternal Red Army. In battles with a far more powerful and better-equipped enemy, the partisan movement grew to become the fourth military force on the Allied side at the end of the war with 800,000 soldiers. The supreme commander was Marshal Josip Broz Tito, who led the genius command of his unit from victory to victory until the final liberation of the country. Marshal Tito was the only commander-in-chief in World War II who took part in armed battles directly in the front lines and he was the only commander-in-chief who was wounded. The Partisans were the only ones in Europe to liberate the country from the fascist occupier and domestic traitors. However, we must mention that the Red Army marched through the north of Serbia during the campaign in Berlin in the fall of 1944 and, in cooperation with the partisans, accelerated the liberation of Belgrade and Vojvodina. 400,000 German soldiers were killed in the fighting with the partisans. The anti-fascist struggle was also a socialist revolution. With the liberation of the country, capitalism in Yugoslavia was destroyed. Since the CPY carried out an armed revolution on its own, it had the right to its own path to socialism. Yugoslav self-governing socialism was the most principled application of Marxism-Leninism in practice. Yugoslavia had 1.7 million victims in World War II. We will never forget that 50,000 party members died in the fight against the fascists and the socialist revolution, 70,000 people from communist youth and the same number of candidates for the party.In Serbia today, in the states of the former SFRY as well as in the whole world, a revision of history is underway, which rehabilitates real collaborators of the occupiers, reduces their crimes, invents the reasons why they cooperated with the occupier. On the other hand, the true and only freedom fighters, the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, the Supreme Headquarters and all communists are being satanized. They present themselves as "destroyers" of Serbs, Croats, etc. by falsifying history and denying historical facts. So far, over 2,000 war criminals and collaborators of the occupiers have been rehabilitated in Serbia, all as a result of anti-communist hysteria. We must fight with all our might against such manipulations and lies. GLORY TO THE WINNERS