The headquarters of our Iraqi Communist Party at Andulus Square, in central Baghdad, was targeted this evening, Friday 25th May 2018, with a homemade bomb thrown into its garden, without causing any casualties except for some material damage from the blast.
We have not doubt that this cowardly attack came in response to the role played by the party in the ongoing efforts to form the new federal government on the basis of a political reform program, away from sectarian and ethnic quota-based power sharing, after the alliance "Saeroun" achieved a big victory in the recent elections, coming first among competing electoral lists. It was a shock to the corrupt who are clinging on to power to the extent of committing heinous crimes, to undermine the resolve of those who are demanding reform and change.
This cowardly criminal act, and any other treacherous tactics, will not be weaken the resolve of Communists and the democrats, who will continue to march forward whatever the sacrifices are, in the interest of the people, towards building a state of citizenship, a democratic civil state and social justice.
Shame and disgrace to the perpetrators of this treacherous act and to the politically and morally bankrupt who are behind them.
Political Bureau
Iraqi Communist Party
Friday, 25th May 2018