Marxistindia, Polit Bureau Communique

8/7/24, 11:18 AM
  • India, Communist Party of India [Marxist] En Asia Communist and workers' parties


August 6, 2024

 Press Communique

 The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met on August 6, 2024. It has issued the following statement:

 Wayanad Tragedy

 The Polit Bureau noted the fact that at times when natural disasters strike Kerala the people have risen in unison as one person to overcome the challenges. The PB heard a report on the extensive efforts being made by the LDF government for the rehabilitation of the people while providing relief.

The PB appreciated both people and the government for their efforts.

 The Polit Bureau denounced the campaign of misinformation spread by the Union Home Minister against the Kerala LDF government. The claims he made have been shown to be wrong and untrue. 

 The PB appealed to the people to liberally donate to the Wayanad Relief Fund established by the Party with a separate bank account.


Bangladesh: A Popular Upsurge

 Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her government in Bangladesh have been ousted in a mass revolt led by students against the authoritarian and corrupt regime.  The Polit Bureau expresses its deep sorrow at the loss of more than 300 lives due to brutal repression against the mass protests. 

 The democratic and secular forces have to work unitedly to restore peace and stability. This is necessary to thwart the designs of the rightwing and fundamentalist forces who will seek to benefit with the support of external forces. 


 Supreme Court Judgement on Scheduled Caste Sub-classification

 The Polit Bureau has supported the seven bench Supreme Court judgement (6-1) on sub-classification of SCs based on clear-cut guidelines. At the same time, the Polit Bureau reiterated the Party's consistent opposition to introduction of a creamy layer within SC and ST reservation. Though not part of the operative judgement, four of the seven judges have separately opined in favour of introducing a creamy layer.

Aggressive Pursuit of Communal Polarisation

Modi and BJP having been denied by the people of India an outright majority and are today heading a coalition government of the ND alliance. Despite this reality, Modi continues to function as though nothing has changed and it is 'business as usual'. In state assemblies where it controls a majority the BJP has been enacting new laws that brazenly target the minorities, thus sharpening communal polarization. Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand governments had pronounced that the shopkeepers and street vendors on the route of the Kanwar yatra must display their name plates. This was aimed at sharpening polarization by targeting the minorities. The Supreme Court, fortunately, stayed the implementation of these orders.

The Uttar Pradesh government has brought the Unlawful Conversion of Religion (Amendment) Bill, 2024 clearly targeting inter-community marriages and increasing punishment of ten years to a life term in prison.

In Assam, a law is being considered to prevent land sales between Muslims and Hindus terming this as 'land jehad'. Such transactions can only take place with the permission of the Chief Minister! He is also considering introducing life imprisonment as punishment for inter-community marriages termed as love jehad on the lines of UP.

Maharashtra BJP led government introduced the Maharashtra Special Public Security Bill, which seeks to criminalize all dissent in the name of curbing urban naxalism, which is more draconian than the UAPA.


24th Party Congress

The Polit Bureau approved the holding of the 24th Party Congress of the

CPI(M) from April 2nd - 6th, 2025 in Madurai, Tamilndau. 



For CPI(M) Central Committee Office


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain