Palestinian PP, We call for Urgent Action to protect Jenin Camp from the threat of ethnic cleansing and physical liquidation

7/4/23, 11:55 AM
  • Palestine, Palestinian Peoples' Party En Asia Communist and workers' parties

*The Palestinian People's Party:* 

 *We call for Urgent Action to protect Jenin Camp from the threat of ethnic cleansing and physical liquidation* 


The Palestinian People's Party has called for urgent action and the mobilization of all energies to confront and thwart the aggression and to protect the Jenin camp from the threat of ethnic cleansing and pydical liquidation in light of the criminal development of the Israeli war aggression that is now taking place against our people.  Especially after the occupation forces embarked on a collective evacuation, by force of arms, of the Camp's residents, and the area of the Camp was bombed by warplanes.


The People's Party said a while ago in a Press release:

What is happening now in the Jenin Camp is a prelude to a massacre and a large-scale displacement of our people.


The Party also demanded that the Arab countries and the entire international community assume their responsibilities to confront this dangerous development of the isolation and phydical liquidation of the Jenin camp. It has called for curbing the continuous aggression against our people.


Palestinian People's Party 

Monday evening

3 July 2023