75 years since liberation from fascism and foreign rule
Declaration of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria on 8/9 May 1945, Vienna, 8 May 2020
May 8 and 9 are the anniversaries of the unconditional surrender of Germany in the Second World War. These days meant 1945, 75 years ago, the end of historical German fascism, of its war of extermination and its crimes. At the same time, they marked the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples. The Party of Labour of Austria highlights the following points on the 75th anniversary:
1) May 8 and 9, 1945 were days of liberation. We oppose any view which seeks to reinterpret the end of the Second World War as a defeat for the Austrian people, whether on the basis of historical revisionist, revanchist, anti-communist, German nationalist, pan-Germanist or even fascist attitudes.
2) May 8 and 9 brought down the fascist system of rule - and with it, terror and persecution, mass murder and genocide. The victims of these crimes will never be forgotten. We remember the murdered Jews, Roma, religious and ethnic minorities, homosexuals, war opponents and pacifists, politically persecuted and opponents of German fascism. We oppose racism and anti-Semitism, nationalism and chauvinism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance.
3) May 8 and 9 ended the German foreign rule in Austria. The so-called "Anschluss" of 1938 was based on a military occupation and the subsequent annexation of Austria by Germany. The Austrian communists rightly combined their anti-fascist struggle 1938-1945 with the anti-German liberation struggle against national oppression. They were also the only ones who opposed the false pan-Germanist ideology and represented the interests of the independent Austrian nation, which had developed separatelyfrom the German nation. However, we will not forget that many Austrians were involved in the crimes of German fascism.
4) May 8 and 9 ended the largest war in human history with tens of millions of dead. It was an imperialist war fought for spheres of influence, colonies, raw materials, investments and cheap labour. It was a war of extermination with innumerable war crimes, which should serve the extermination of entire peoples and enslave the survivors. We oppose militarism, militarisation and armament, new warmongering and imperialist aggression of all kinds. We defend peace, international friendship and the right of self-determination of nations.
5) On the international level, it was primarily the merit of the Soviet Red Army to have defeated German fascism under immense numbers of victims. We honour the victims and pay tribute to the glorious heroes of the Red Army, the Soviet civilian population and the political leadership of the USSR and the CPSU.
6) In most countries - also in Austria - the main burden of the anti-fascist resistance and the national freedom struggle lay with the working class and its communist parties, both underground and in partisan groups. Their bravery and willingness to make sacrifices are unforgotten and an example of communist and antifascist determination.
7)We honour the anti-fascist contribution of other resistance groups, which became active from religious or humanistic convictions. Likewise, we honour the Western allied soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, who had their part in the defeat of fascism.
8)We conclude that fascism was and remains a direct result of capitalist development. Fascism is the open, terrorist dictatorship of the most aggressive parts of monopoly and finance capital. Therefore, consistent antifascism is necessarily based on anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism. Whoever wants to eradicate fascism and its roots will find them in the capitalist system. A world without fascism and war is only made possible by socialism.
Long live the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples!
No more war, never again fascism!
Socialism instead of barbarism!
75 Jahre Befreiung von Faschismus und Fremdherrschaft
Erklärung des Parteivorstandes der Partei der Arbeit Österreichs (PdA) zum 8./9. Mai 1945, Wien, 8. Mai 2020
Der 8. und 9. Mai sind die Jahrestage der bedingungslosen Kapitulation Deutschlands im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Diese Tage bedeuteten 1945, vor 75 Jahren, das Ende des historischen deutschen Faschismus, seines Vernichtungskrieges und seiner Verbrechen. Gleichzeitig markierten sie den Großen Antifaschistischen Sieg der Völker. Die Partei der Arbeit Österreichs hält zu den 75. Jahrestagen folgende Punkte fest:
Es lebe der Große Antifaschistische Sieg der Völker!
Nie wieder Krieg, nie wieder Faschismus!
Sozialismus statt Barbarei!