Party of Labour of Austria, No Austrian participation in NATO mission in Iraq

6/19/23, 11:35 AM
  • Austria, Party of Labour of Austria En Europe Communist and workers' parties

No Austrian participation in NATO mission in Iraq!


Declaration of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA), Vienna, 15 June 2023

The Austrian federal government has decided to participate in the NATO military training and advisory mission in Iraq (NMI). Ten members of the Austrian Armed Forces are to be sent to serve on the ground under NATO high command.

The Party of Labour of Austria (PdA) is clearly and explicitly opposed to this deployment. To integrate Austrian soldiers into a NATO military operation is yet another disregard of the constitutional law on neutrality.

The NATO mission in Iraq serves the imperialist and geopolitical interests and plans of the USA and the most powerful NATO states to exercise power and control in the region, to gain access to resources and transport routes, and to expand war policy capacities within the framework of imperialist competition. NATO is the most aggressive and dangerous military alliance in the world, responsible for numerous interventions and war crimes contrary to international law.

The PdA rejects the adventurous and irresponsible way in which the Austrian government and the Austrian Armed Forces are participating in NATO plans and dragging the Austrian population into another dangerous conflict.

The Party of Labour of Austria therefore demands:

- No Austrian participation in the NATO mission in Iraq!

- No Austrian soldiers under NATO command!

- For Austria's withdrawal from the NATO "Partnership for Peace"!

- For an active Austrian policy of neutrality and peace!