Party of Labour of Austria, Solidarity with Cuba - Cuba will win

7/14/21, 10:09 AM
  • Austria, Party of Labour of Austria En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Statement of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA), Vienna, 12 July 2021.

The Party of Labour of Austria condemns the recent imperialist and counter-revolutionary provocations directed against Cuba and the interests of the Cuban people. Those responsible for pulling the strings of the counter-revolutionary action are clearly visible. It turns out that Biden does not represent a less aggressive version of imperialism. The USA, together with groups operating on the island, are orchestrating the protests in Cuba, which are carried by anti-communist and anti-revolutionary slogans calling for the overthrow of the government.

The USA supports this, among other things, with massive public and media propaganda, going so far as to call for imperialist "humanitarian intervention" in Cuba. However, the difficult situation in which Cuba currently finds itself is in reality a result of the criminal blockade of the USA, which is contrary to international law. The consequences of the 60-year-long, repeatedly tightened blockade and the Corona pandemic are being exploited to attack Cuba and its achievements. A "humanitarian intervention" would end with military intervention and imperialist interference, which would deprive the Cuban people of their rights and sovereignty and impose the interests of imperialism.

The Party of Labour of Austria declares its complete solidarity with the Republic of Cuba, with its heroic people and government, and with the Communist Party of Cuba, and demands an end to imperialist interference, aggression and threats, and an end to the US blockade against Cuba.


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