Philippine CP (PKP-1930), Greetings to the 13th Congress and 100th Anniversary of the CP of Turkey (TKP)

8/10/20, 3:44 PM
  • Philippines, Philippines Communist Party [PKP - 1930] En Asia Communist and workers' parties



Dear comrade :

       Through you, the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party) sends warmest comradely greetings to the 13TH Congress of the Communist Party of Turkey  (TKP) which will be held on August 9TH, 2020, on  the centennial year of the founding of the TKP.

       We pay tribute to the memory of Comrades Mustafa Suphi, Ethem Nejat and the other founding leaders of the TKP which held its First Congress in Baku (Azerbaijani SSR) on September 10,  1920, under the inspiration of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, and of the Communist International (COMINTERN) which was organized in 1919. It is notable that the founding of TKP occurred in the midst of the Turkish Independence War, following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War, and it is unfortunate that the TKP was soon banned in Turkey, and a number of its founding leaders were murdered.

       For many decades, the TKP was persecuted by various military regimes which were propped up in Turkey by imperialism. However, the TKP's influence among the Turkish working masses continued to grow in the crucible of harsh class struggles, the TKP's resistance to tyranny became brillant chapters in the history of Turkey, and the poet Nazim Hikmet of the TKP even became a powerful voice of the international communist movement against fascism.

       We salute the tedious work of TKP cadres which led to the resurgence of the communist movement in Turkey in the past 2 decades, and congratulate the forthcoming holding of the TKP's 13TH Congress under the theme of "Revolutionary Party, Party for Revolution, on her 100th Anniversary". This Congress is to be held under conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic which has brought so many deaths and job losses, widespread hunger and destitution, while also fattening the pockets of health businessmen and their capitalist political administrators, thus clearly showing the utter decay of capitalism everywhere.

       The TKP's 13TH Congress is to be held also under conditions of the more bloody intervention of Pres. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his “Justice and Development Party” (AKP) in Syria and Libya under the banner of NATO, of shameless support for “islamic” terrorism, and of more provocative actions against both Cyprus and Greece. Erdogan's recent conversion of Istanbul's Byzantine-era Hagia Sophia Museum into a mosque, despite widespread uproar, only shows his disregard for secularism and international amity.

       In the face of all these challenges, we salute the indomitable struggles of the TKP against fascist rulers who are using religious obscurantism as a weapon. We wish every success to the TKP's 13TH Congress, to the implementation of its resolutions, and to the TKP's commitment to achieve a stronger Communist Party. Finally, we wish closer comradely relations between our 2 parties in the common struggle against imperialism and reaction, for peace and socialism.

       Long Live Marxism-Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism !

                                                       With communist greetings,


                                                      ANTONIO  E.  PARIS

                                                      General  Secretary

PKP-1930 greetings to the TKP's 13th Congress the Centennial of its Founding


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