July 28, 2020
General Secretary
e-mail : office@communist-party.org.uk
e-mail : international@communist-party.org.uk
e-mail : foster631@btinternet.com
Dear comrade :
Through you, the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party) sends warmest comradely greetings on the occasion of the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) on August 1st, 2020.
To us and many others in the international movement of communist and workers' parties, the 100 years of the CPB (formerly the CPGB) is a history of staunch struggles in defense of proletarian internationalism --- of support for the communist movements and national liberation struggles in colonies of the British and other European empires, of strong participation in the International Brigades which defended Republican Spain against fascist forces, of campaigns for the early opening of the Second Front during the Second World War, of support for the post-war anti-colonial struggles, of strong solidarity with the struggles of the African peoples against apartheid and racism, of opposition to maoism and the polpotist genocide, of campaigns against the US-Tory attacks against countries in the Middle East and the Gulf, and of solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for the realization of all their rights in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
The PKP-1930 particularly thanks the CPB (formerly the CPGB) for the assistance extended to our Comrades William Pomeroy and Celia Mariano-Pomeroy after their release from prison on rebellion charges in the 1960s. Banned from staying together in the Philippines and the USA, the revolutionary couple were finally reunited and found a home in London through the help of the CPB (CPGB).
The PKP-1930 salutes the CPB's continuing activities for working class unity for peace and socialism, and for the international solidarity of working peoples against imperialism and war. The PKP-1930 wishes more strength to the CPB as it celebrates its centennial, and as it continues the struggle for the realization of the British road to socialism.
With communist greetings,
General Secretary