Sudanese CP, Appeal for intensification of International Solidarity

1/3/19, 10:40 AM
  • Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party En Africa Communist and workers' parties
  • Thousands march in the capital on New Year’s Eve
  • Twenty parties previously allied with regime withdraw from posts in the government
  • Communist Party calls for the intensification of international solidarity

Khartoum, 2 January 2019

- Thousands have marched on New Year’s Eve through the capital Khartoum chanting "The people want to overthrow the regime", "Freedom, Justice, the revolution is the people’s choice". The march called by the Professional Alliance of trade unions, marked the 14th day of continued mass protest actions against the dictatorial regime. The peaceful march was met with excessive force by the security forces with live ammunition. Reports speak of five dead and scores were injured as snipers targeted protesters from the rooftops. Arrests included two leaders of the Professional Alliance, and the chairman of the United Unionist Party.

- As a result of the continuous mass actions, the victories achieved by the people’s unity, and the advance of the protests to reach all the corners of the country, cracks have started to appear in the regime, proving that the beginning of the end has started. Twenty parties, which were part of the government and were allied with regime, have declared their withdrawal from all posts with the regime. Citing the brutality and the killing of innocent protesters by the regime, they called for Albashir’s resignation, the dissolution of the present government, and respect to the basic freedoms and democratic rights.

- The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Sudanese CP issued two appeals on 31st Dec. and 1st January, calling for the further continuation of the mass actions, based on the unity of the opposition forces and their declared demand: the overthrow of the regime, its dismantling and liquidation. It pointed to the ongoing conspiracies by internal and foreign forces to steal the struggle of the people and abort their revolution. Furthermore, it called on the masses to stand firm and unite around their aspirations for a bright future based on equality, the rule of law and independent participation of the working people in the decision-making process and implementation. It affirmed its commitment to the principles embodied in the democratic alternative adopted by the opposition.

- It is clear now that the struggle of our people has reached a very important stage. The regime is no longer able to govern. The people must advance to the point of dealing the final blow and overthrowing the corrupt dictatorial regime.

- Solidarity with and support for the struggle of the Sudanese popular masses must be intensified.

Secretariat of the Central Committee

Sudanese CP