Sudanese CP, Attempts by US imperialism and reactionary forces to save the dictatorial regime

2/25/19, 3:19 PM
  • Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party En Africa Communist and workers' parties


  • Attempts by US imperialism and reactionary regional forces to save the dictatorial regime
  • Call for the Immediate Release of All Political Detainees
  • About 3000 are still in detention, including more than 200 women activists

22 February 2019

The opposition groups representing the Forces of National Consensus, the Sudan Appeal, the Unionist Alliance, and the Professional Alliance, called for mass action on February 21, 2019, to demand the end of dictatorship. The peaceful demonstrations marked the 63rd day of protests that started on December 19, 2018, demanding the end, dismantlement, and liquidation of the regime. During its development the mass protest movement has gained momentum, broadness and clarity of vision.

- The action on February 21, 2019, that took place in the capital Khartoum, was joined by over 15 thousand protesters. The demonstrators broke through security lines and occupied parts of the center of the city from about 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

- The security forces, which numbered around 3000, were armed to the teeth with heavy machine guns, electric batons and tear gas. They used brute force to stop the protesters from reaching their destination: The Republican Palace. Hundreds were detained, and about 200 needed medical treatment. The security forces detained a number of opposition leaders including Mohamed al-Khateeb, the Political Secretary of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party.

- Other demonstrations took place in Omdurman, Port Sudan, Madani and Karma.

- According to opposition sources, the number of detainees has exceeded 7000 people since the beginning of the mass uprising. Although hundreds were released, those who remain in detention are around 3000, among them over 200 women activists.

- While mass actions are continuing and intensifying by the day, imperialism, particularly US imperialism, assisted by its regional forces of reaction, is doubling its efforts to save the dictatorial regime. It is trying, in vain, to abort the uprising. In this respect, the Egyptian regime is playing a major role by rendering political and material support to the regime, gathering support for Al-Bashir from Arab and African governments. At the same time, the US Administration while sheepishly calling for the release of political detainees, is still striving to split the opposition in pursuit of imposing its project for a "Soft Landing,” designed to push the regime to accommodate certain sections of the opposition in the government. All these conspiracies are an expression of political panic among imperialist and reactionary forces who fear the eventual victory of the Sudanese people, which will bring about, among other things, the establishment of a democratic alternative that meets the aspiration of the masses in restoring democracy, peace, and social justice.

- The Secretariat of the Central Committee, while expressing its high appreciation for the solidarity and support rendered by fraternal parties, calls on all concerned to redouble their efforts in demanding the immediate release of all political detainees, including comrades Masoud Al Hassan, Sidig Yousif, Ali Saeed, Hanadi Fadl, Faiza Nugud, Salih Mahmoud, Amal Gabralla, AL Digear Mohamed Aburas, and Yahya Al Hussein. 

Secretariat of the Central Committee

Sudanese Communist Party 

Khartoum – 22nd Feb. 2019 



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