15 March 2019
- Thursday, 14th March, was a major day in the revolutionary history of our country. Tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators took to the streets of KHartoum, Omdurman, Khartoum North, Atbara, Alfashir, Algienena, Alobeied, Kasala, Sinar, Madeni and Berber, marking the 85th day of the uprising. The tens of thousands of people who occupied the streets of the major cities, defying the heavy handedness of the security forces and their use of excessive force, was a clear response to the call by the forces of the ‘Change and Freedom’ alliance that groups the major political and professional organizations. At the same time, these mass actions were a resounding rejection of Albashir’s new government and signalled the determination of the masses to defeat and challenge the imposition of the state of national emergency by the regime.
- While continuing the struggle to topple the regime, the masses scored a great victory by achieving the release of female detainees from Omdurman prison.
- Still languishing in Albashir’s prisons are hundreds of political leaders and activists. Among them are 16 members of our party’s Central Committee, including Mohamed Mokhtar Alkhateeb, Masoud Alhassan, Siddig Yousif , Sidgi Kablo, Ali Saied, Hashim Mirghani and Salih Mahmoud.
- The struggle of our people is reaching an advanced stage, based on the unity of the opposition forces and the tireless efforts of the Sudanese Communist Party to further strengthen the unity of action of all the forces that oppose the regime and continue on the path to reach the point to use the general political strike and mass disobedience to fetter the hands of the regime and topple it.
- WE must stress that while our people are scoring daily victories, imperialist forces and local and regional reaction are continuing to hatch their conspiracies in vain attempt to split the ranks of the opposition and halt the advance of the people. This is reflected in feverish plans for meetings outside the country, under the cover of dialogue. with the sole aim of advancing plans to widen the social base of the defunct regime and include new forces that can give a kind of representivity to the regime. It is within this context the US Administration and the governments of Egypt, Qatar, Turkey and France are increasing their support to the regime.
- The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party calls on all fraternal parties to redouble their solidarity actions and demand the immediate release of all political detainees, including the leaders of our party.
Secretariat of the Central Committee
Sudanese CP
Khartoum,15th March 2019