Sudanese CP, Public Communiqué of the Secretariat of the Central Committee 07.09.2024

9/18/24, 11:20 AM
  • Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party En Africa Communist and workers' parties


Sudanese Communist Party

Secretariat of the Central Committee


Public Communiqué: 

- Decisive popular mass action to stop international intervention from dividing the country and looting its resources. 

- Stopping the war is essential for implementing the Geneva Conference resolutions and ensuring humanitarian aid reaches those affected. 

The devastating effects of the war persist in Sudan, displacing millions and causing the injury and death of thousands. The conflict has led to severe human rights violations against civilians, women, and children, and has resulted in widespread destruction of infrastructure. It has crippled industry, healthcare, education, and agriculture, heightening the risk of famine and further war crimes, while also disrupting water, electricity, and internet services. Moreover, floods and rains have ravaged villages, including the collapse of the Arbaat Dam in the Red Sea state, impacting over 24 villages and cities in the northern state, as well as areas in Kassala and West Darfur. 

The threat of famine looms over 26.6 million Sudanese, with 24 million children affected by food shortages. Over 70% of agricultural production areas are out of operation, leading to the failure of the 2023/2024 winter and summer seasons. This has prompted calls to declare famine in Sudan and highlighted the urgent need to stop the war to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid. 

We previously warned of the dangers of intervention and the regional and international competition over Sudan's resources. This threat has become evident with Burhan’s visit to China for the Sino-African Summit, where he praised China's political and military support and agreed to more land grants for China. The ongoing war in Sudan cannot be viewed in isolation from the escalating regional and international competition over the country's resources, involving rival powers such as the US and its allies, Russia, China, the UAE, Egypt, Turkey, and Iran. Neighboring countries like Chad, accused by Burhan’s government of supporting the Rapid Support Forces alongside the UAE, are also implicated in the resource plundering.

The recent Geneva Conference failed to achieve a ceasefire, with the absence of the army hindering attempts to halt the fighting. Burhan’s statements in his last press conference prolonged the war by rejecting participation in Geneva and calling for the formation of a temporary technocratic government. This was countered by the Rapid Support Forces proposing a government in Khartoum to limit Burhan’s authority. This situation highlights the danger of dividing Sudan post-Geneva Conference with the formation of two governments, reminiscent of the Libyan experience. Resolving these issues independently requires Sudanese unity and grassroots pressure to stop the war. 

Despite the Geneva Conference’s assurances on aid delivery, a ceasefire is the guarantee for aid to reach those affected. 

We emphasize the following: 

- The de facto governments in the army and Rapid Support Forces’ areas, if formed, do not represent the people of Sudan and cannot enter into agreements on land or other issues in the absence of a democratically elected civilian authority. Thus, the Sudanese people are not bound by these agreements. 

- Both warring parties are involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, foreign intervention, and affiliations with external powers. Just as the UAE arms the Rapid Support Forces, countries like China, Iran, Egypt, and Turkey support the Sudanese army. 

- Burhan’s claim during the China meeting that aid reached all parts of Sudan is false. 

Acknowledging the recommendations of the Fact-Finding Mission Committee on the need for the presence of international forces to protect civilians, it is crucial to organize the public movement as the decisive factor in ensuring Sudan’s unity. This escalation is evident in the strike by workers at Suakin Port and in Kassala, in the public outrage over the detention and torture of citizen Amin Mohammed Badr to death, demanding justice, and in the rising public protests against environmentally harmful mining. 

We affirm that escalating popular mass action and the efforts of Sudanese inside and outside the country are crucial to preventing the division of Sudan. This escalation begins with stopping the war and thwarting international intervention aimed at dividing the country and looting its resources. It involves prosecuting war criminals and improving deteriorating economic, living, and security conditions, such as rising prices, the devaluation of the Sudanese pound, and the displacement of thousands from their jobs in industry, services, and agriculture. Additionally, it necessitates linking the cessation of the war with reclaiming the revolution, ensuring national unity, and preventing division. This includes removing the military and Rapid Support Forces from politics and the economy, making security arrangements to dissolve the Rapid Support Forces, National Congress Party militias, and the forces of armed movements, creating a unified professional national army under civilian government supervision, and continuing the revolution to achieve its goals and the transitional period’s tasks.


Secretariat of the Central Committee

Sudanese Communist Party

September 7, 2024