Sudanese CP, demonstrators took to the streets of the capital and other cities

5/12/21, 9:23 AM
  • Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party En Africa Communist and workers' parties

Dear Comrades,

Thousands of peaceful demonstrators took to the streets of the capital and other cities marking the second anniversary of the massacre committed against the protesters at the army square.On that day two years ago over three hundreds were cowardly assassinated,scores were arrested,tortured and raped .

-Part of the demonstraters forced their way into the army square.demanding justice for the martyrs.A group of soldiers fired life ammunition in the air.While the protesters were peacefully leaving the square,another round of bullets were shot . at the protesters.Three protesters were killed,over thirty were injured,and scores were arrested.

-This new brutal crime proves beyond any doubt that the present ruling clique is determined to continue in the path of conficating political rights and freedoms,to implement its plans to impose fully the programme of the soft landing project.This programme which aims at protecting the interests of local parasitic bourgeoisie,imperialism and regional reactionary governments..

-While the SCP strongly condemns this crime,it calls on all fraternal parties to express their solidarity with the struggle of our people to wrench their rights,,protect the gains achieved and establish full civilian authority .


Secretariat of the CC,SCP


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
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