WP of Ireland, Tribute to the passing of comrade Francie Donnelly

5/31/23, 3:04 PM
  • Ireland, Workers' Party of Ireland En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Comrade Francie Donnelly – A Tribute


It is with the deepest regret that the Workers Partyof Ireland announces the passing of our friend and comrade, Francie Donnelly. Comrade Francie was a comrade who dedicated a long life of service to the Party and who courageouslyrepresented the Party in many elections for over 30 years, serving as a representative of the Party at local government. He was a Councillor on Magherafelt District Council and contested elections at local government, Westminster and European level.

He was a man who was deeply committed to the struggle for peace, equality and socialism and he was not afraid, even in the darkest and most dangerous days of our history, to make a stand for what he believed. 

Comrade Francie was an activist for civil rights, in fact, he was the first Chairman of the South Derry Civil Rights Association – a part of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, an organisation which faced many obstacles including state oppression and violent reactionary opposition on the streets.

Throughout his life he maintained a vision for a future free from the poison of sectarianism which divided, and continues to divide, our people.He took exception when large, powerful interests threatened the rights of ordinary men and women.

He was a committed socialist and he was faithful to the principles of socialist internationalism. He and his wife and lifelong comrade, Marian (the first woman President of the Workers Party) travelled to Cuba for May Day in 2009 to celebrate the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

Francie was also instrumental in the establishment of NIAPA, an organisation created to represent the farming community, especially the interests of small farmers in areas where they were poorly represented. NIAPA included farmers from across the community and Francie was a stalwart of the organisation.

It is difficult to sum up the immense contribution of this man in a few short words. He was a modest and gracious man but for us, his comrades, he was a giant and an inspiration.  That is demonstrated by the many messages of condolence from across the island and abroad.

His words of advice, his analysis of political events, his unstinting opposition to sectarianism and his steadfast dedication to the class politics and ideology of the Workers Party will be sorely missed. Francie understood the fundamental importance of political ideas, of the centrality of class politics and the necessity for a radical transformation of the political, social and economic system in which we live.

A dedicated political activist to the very end, he was a stalwart of the Party in South Derry and beyond. Francie Donnelly believed that workers unity was fundamental to building a socialist society. He will always be remembered by his comrades and friends in the Workers Party of Ireland.


29th May 2023

Ted Tynan – President

Gerry Grainger – International Secretary

Workers Party of Ireland




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