14 IMCWP, Contribution of CP of Nepal [UML] [En.]

11/25/12, 7:20 AM
  • Nepal, Communist Party of Nepal [UML] IMCWP En
http://www.cpnuml.org , mailto:uml@ntc.net.np
Speech of the Communist Party of Nepal
Delivered by Comrade Madhav Kumar Nepal
in the 14th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Beirut, Lebanon
November 22-25, 2012

Comrade Chairperson,
Leaders of the Lebanese Communist Party,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let me first to extend warmest greetings to all of you in this august gathering of leaders of communist and workers' parties around the world. I, on behalf of my party – the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) – and my own, would like to extend many thanks and appreciation to the Lebanese Communist Party for organizing this important meeting of communist and workers' parties of the world under the theme of “Strengthen the struggles against escalating imperialist aggressiveness for satisfying people’s socio-economic- democratic rights and aspirations for socialism”. I think this is a timely taken initiative on the very relevant theme in a beautiful city of Beirut, which is famous for this region’s cultural life, renowned press and theatres. And also according to the Lonely Planet categorization in 2010, the city is also one of the ten lovely cities in the world. I am really happy to have an opportunity to visit such a beautiful city of this region.

This kind of annual meeting is very important to the communist and workers' parties of the world which not only provides a common platform to the communists and just-loving people of the world but also provide an opportunity to forge alliances and solidarity for world peace and empowerment of working class. It consolidates solidarity against the imperialist aggression and exploitation. In this forum we have also an opportunity for mutual exchange of our views, experiences on ideological and other political matters and to develop and strengthen networks among ourselves in regional and global levels.

Distinguished Participants!
As we all know that people of the world, specially the weaker countries, are facing new challenges posed by some of the hegemonic behavior of powerful countries. Such countries and their peoples have been the victims of growing gap between the rich and poor - the countries and between the countries, degradation of environment and climate change and its increasing negative impacts, international migration, increasing crimes and terrorist activities. To tackle these growing challenges, we need to develop common understanding, strengthen mutual cooperation and develop regional and global initiatives and network among the communist and left parties, progressive organizations and working class people around the globe.
The peoples of the developing and least developed countries are facing serious problems relating to the basic needs such as food, education, health and shelter. Their living is further compounded by scarce of drinking water, electricity, sanitation, and degraded environment. On the other hand, the world military spending has been increasing year after year. According to an estimate, world military expenditure in 2010 is reached $ 1.63 trillion that is 50 per cent increase since 2001. There are mainly 15 countries with the highest spending account of 81 per cent of the total. Among them, the USA is the main country which leads the current trend with the 41 per cent of total expenditure. The US has spent $ 1 trillion dollars in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. It is reported that if the countries are ready to spend little under $ 200 billion dollars to permanently end the world hunger.

Therefore, there is a need to launch a campaign at the international level to create awareness and public opinion against increasing military expenditure and for the world peace and development. It is necessary to ensure social justice, democracy and equitable development. These endeavours could help achieve the aspirations of working class peoples around the world. Thus establishment of a solidarity network by this meeting would be very relevant.

The outside interference in the conflict of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and death of thousands of innocent people is an example that has shown the forms of intervention and aggression. I believe that such intervention cannot contribute to peaceful resolution of conflicts rather further intensify the problems and deteriorate the political and social environment. International bodies, specially the UN, in my opinion, should play a role to minimize conflicts and any sorts of outside intervention against sovereign independent countries.

Dear Comrades!
Today, the global capitalist financial system is facing a serious crisis. The ongoing economic crisis in the West European countries and stagnation of American economy are the manifestation of this crisis. The deepening crisis in the capitalist system has proven that the world capitalism cannot be expanded and even would not be long lasted as of its current structures and form. It is poised to be revised and changed and that change should be led by the working class people in each and every country in the world.

I would like to briefly state about the ongoing political situation of my country Nepal. Since last six years, after the people's movements of 2006, we are passing through a political and social transition. It is a transition from a unitary state to a federal state, from a monarchy to a republican system and from Maoists launched 10 years long violent conflict to a peace process. Within this period, we supposed to draft a new constitution through a newly elected Constituent Assembly and hold parliamentary election. However, the Constituent Assembly failed to deliver the new constitution despite its 4 times extension and it was dissolved by the ruling parties led by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) without promulgating the constitution. Election of the Constituent Assembly was held in April 2008 which had probably been one of the most inclusive democratically elected bodies in the region where one third of the 601 members were women and also the representation of minority groups and Dalits. It was the very CA which had decided to abolish the 240 years old monarchy and declared Nepal as a Federal Democratic Republic.

Currently, we have almost completed the task of integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist Combatants and managed the weapons stored at the containers. It is according to the Comprehensive Peace Accord signed between the Nepal Government and UCPN (Maoist) in November 2006. Now about 1400 Moist Combatants are in the process of integration in the Nepal Army.
As being one the least developed countries in South Asia, it was widely expected that with the completion of political transition after the drafting a new constitution, the country would enter into a new era of peace and development. The much needed economic development and social transformation processes are to be carried out. It was the aspiration of the Nepali people. My party- the Communist Party of Nepal (UML), have been trying its best to forge ahead according to the aspiration s of the Nepali people. However, due to the irresponsible policies and activities of the UCPN (Maoist) and their allies, the people's aspirations are left unfulfilled. My party believes that unless we genuinely address and resolve the national problems, it would be impossible to institutionalize democracy and make it sustainable. My party is in the view of that the new constitution must ensure the political, social and economic rights of the people in general and rights and aspirations of marginalized communities in particular. At the same time we are for a stable, united and prosperous Nepal based on the unity and harmony of the Nepali people. Now we are for a fresh election and government of national unity to resolve the ongoing political crisis of the country.

Comrade Chairperson!
Lastly, but not the least, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the organizers of this meeting for extending warm hospitality to us making excellent arrangements.

I thank you all for your time and attention.


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