11 IMCWP, Intervention by CP of Nepal [UML]

11/23/09, 10:00 PM
  • Nepal, Communist Party of Nepal [UML] IMCWP
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
New Delhi, November 20-22, 2009
Intervention of K.P. Sharma Oli, Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
Dear comrades,
First of all, let me greet all of you gathered here in this 11th International meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties, on behalf of my party- The Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) and my own. I would also like to avail this opportunity to appreciate the initiations and efforts made by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Communist Party of India for successfully organizing such an important event in our neighboring country, India.
We are gathered here to discuss on such relevant and important subjects in such a moment when the capitalist system is facing a severe financial crises and is imposing a sudden and extra burden to the common masses and to the working people all over the world. Due to its lower level of economic development, Nepal is of course less affected by the present global economic crisis in comparison with economically developed countries. But it does not mean that Nepal is not affected by it. Export business, job opportunities and remittance, different areas like these are badly affected by the global recession.
Now without any delay, we must immediately educate and mobilize the people to create a situation of heavy pressure to divert the global wealth, resources and expenditure for social justice, peace and environmental balance. Instead of billing, a handful of big banks and companies and providing opportunities to gather wealth unnecessarily for a few people, the support must be diverted for the betterment of millions and billions of the common people.
The 20th Century was the century of unprecedented revolutions and rapid progress. It was the century of awareness, organization, struggle, changes and achievements. In the field of science and technology, transport and communication and overall modernization, this century witnessed and achieved the high yield successes in a very rapid pace. The 20th century was the century of National Independence against the columniation; socialist and democratic revolution took place and got victory. But unfortunately, it also witnessed the downfall and split of Soviet Union and the failure of socialism of its form in Eastern Europe. But, the capitalism encouraged by these events and on its efforts for survival tried to learn from the past and bring possible reforms in the capitalist system adopting some policies borrowed by socialism could not survive from its inevitable consequences of its unjust policies of exploitation. It is clear and we most be clear that capitalism, the system of exploitation can not be changed through reforms and is has to be defeated by the system of justice and equality that is socialism. Only socialism can be the alternative which can resolve the problems through improving production and productivity and establishing a new distribution system based on social and economic justice and equality, as well.
The current global economic crisis is not the result of any mistake of any capitalist person or company but an inevitable result of capitalism or its theory of exploitation.
The issues of climate degradation and global warming shaken us with alarming urgency and these issues also are no doubt the results of ruthless exploitation of humankind, but also the unjust and imbalance use or consumption of natural recourses without caring the bearing capacity of the earth and nature, too.
There may be different opinions among the experts and specialists, environmentalists and scientists, about how long it will take to melt the ice and turn the mountains without it, and to dry the glaciers and lose their existence, but there is unanimous opining of all about the negative and frightening consequences of these problems for the future of this planet. Problem of climate change is causing desertification or semi-desertification of different green and fertile parts of the world, in a very speedy way. To stop this and to bring reform in the situation, we have to start effective and joint steps urgently and immediately. We communist and workers' parties should take the lead in it.
We can express and extend solidarity in each others, but we must be clear that the effectiveness of our support and solidarity depends not only on our logics but mainly on our influence and strength. Our working fields, to implement our common goals are basically our respective countries and we must concentrate to educate our people, organize and mobilize them in the struggle for the cause of socialism or for their own causes. To fulfill these purposes, we must open up our minds, be real Marxist, learn from past mistakes and weaknesses committed in the name of communist, socialism or Marxism-Leninism. Marxists can not represent unscientific, irrelevant and failed ideas and methods, but represent just, equality, scientific, modern, democratic and revolutionary ideas and methods and the principles based on social and economic justice and equality.
Anti-people and reactionary forces pretend of being Champaign of human rights. But, we Marxist and progressive peoples are the real vanguards of the human values and dignity and in others words, the vanguards and defenders of human rights.
Dear comrades,
Nepal at present is passing through an epoch-making transformation process. Transforming as it is, Nepal has been a berth of amusement and exciting political centre for the international community. The historical people’s movement [of April 2006] which brought the autocratic monarchy to its knees, transformed violence from which Nepali people were being suffered from 10 years before, which was lunched in the name of "People War" by an ultra-leftist organization, to a peace process which is under going. Successful elections to constituent assembly, bloodless send-off of monarchy through people’s verdict are in fact the most exciting milestones of the contemporary Nepalese history. Nepal that has been amusing the world through her natural beauty and unequalled cultural heritage for centuries has for 3-4 years now been drawing the attention of international community through these acclaimed and astounding political events.
The declaration of republicanism was the first major step forward taken by the country after the accomplishment of the Constituent Assembly Election on Tenth April 2008. But the political problems of Nepal do not seem ending here because of the seats won by the parties in the CA Election. The result of the election made mandatory for all the major political stakeholders to develop understanding for the drafting of the scientific, modern and democratic new constitution.
CPN (UML) is playing a very important role ideologically and politically as well. With its scientific, modern, democratic and revolutionary principle and program of Peoples' Multi-Party Democracy based on social justice and equality is playing the responsible role, while it is leading the Government in present to fulfill the complex task of making democratic, progressive and consensual new constitution. UML’s correct, clear, balanced and coordinating role is highly sought and expected. Similarly, the importance of UML’s nationalistic vision is increasingly high at a time, when negative tendency of separatism, regionalism and communalism is increasing.
As in the past, even in the future, we are confident that Nepali people will receive generous support and strong solidarity from all the parties gathered here and other international community for strengthening democracy, sustainable peace and socio-economic development.
With these words, I would like to round up my speech here and once again thank you for inviting us in this important meeting and providing opportunity to express our views.
With warm solidarity for your good and appreciable campaign,
Thank you all!


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