Solidarity Statement with the people of Cyprus by parties participating in the 17th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties[En]

11/16/15, 2:36 PM
  • En

the 17th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties[En]

Communist and Workers Parties participating in the 17th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties held on 30-31st October and 1st November, 2015, in Istanbul, Turkey undersigned the statement below:

For the freedom and reunification of Cyprus – 41 years since the coup d'état, the Turkish invasion and occupation

  • Recall that forty one years ago, in July 1974, the Greek junta and the fascist organization EOKA B staged a coup d'état against the elected President of the Republic of Cyprus Archbishop Makarios,
  • Recall that Turkey exploited the coup d'état to materialise its expansionist plans in Cyprus, invading illegally the island which remains occupied to this day in flagrant violation of international law. Turkey illegally occupies 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, violates the human rights and freedoms of the Cypriot people as a whole, and through the illegal mass settlement of the occupied territory it attempts to alter the demographic character of the island.
  • Recall that the double crime of the coup d'état and invasion was planned by the US and NATO aiming to divide Cyprus and impose union of one part to Greece and the other to Turkey, as both countries were NATO members,
  • Note that 40 years on Cyprus continues to suffer the consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation,
  • Reiterate that the Cyprus problem is in essence an international problem of invasion and illegal occupation, in violation of the fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the UN,
  • Note that the Cyprus problem has also an internal aspect, of restoring relations between the two communities of Cyprus, the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot,
  • Take note of Ankara’s intransigence and denial to undertake concrete measures to support the comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem; remind that this was also revealed with last year’s issuing of NAVTEX by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey for the binding of regions of the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus to conduct research and exercises at a time of ongoing negotiations, thus leading to their suspension,
  • Underline the ongoing efforts to reach a comprehensive solution being conducted by the leaders of the two communities under the auspices of the UN for the reunification of Cyprus and the restoration of peace on the island; and that constructive use of the convergences reached between Christofias- Talat can facilitate a solution within the agreed framework of bicommunal, bizonal federation and in accordance with international law.

The Communist and Workers’ Parties sign the present Statement:

1 Denounce Turkey’sintransigent policy that perpetuates the Cyprus problem and consolidates the divisionistfaits accomplis on the ground.

2 Declare that the tolerance exhibited by the international community to the continuing illegality that is taking place in Cyprus, is unacceptable and must be ended immediately.

3 They demand the solution of the Cyprus problem the soonest possible, on the basis of international law and the UN Security Council resolutions. The solution must restore the human rights and freedoms in the framework of a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality as prescribed in the relevant UN resolutions.

4 They demand permanent peace that would allow indeed the reunification, independence and freedom of the Cypriot people as a whole.

5 They call for an immediate verification of the fate of the remaining more than 1500 missing persons of the Cypriot tragedy.

7 Underline that unilateral actions of the Turkish government and provocative statements increase tension in the region and affect negatively the inter-communal talks for the solution of the Cyprus problem.

8 Call on the international community to exert its influence on Turkey in order to abandon its intransigent stance, to terminate its divisive policies on the ground and take concrete steps for the solution of the Cyprus problem within the agreed framework.

9 Express their discontent with recent statements of EU circles expressing their readiness to accommodate in an excessive manner Turkey’s demands vis- a- vis the EU in light of the migration crisis, despite its declared unwillingness to normalize relations with the Republic of Cyprus and implement relevant obligations.

10 Express their solidarity with and support to the struggle of the Cypriot people for the liberation and reunification of its country.

The statement is signed by the following Parties:

Participant Parties

  1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism, PADS
  2. Communist Party of Argentina
  3. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
  4. Workers' Party of Belgium
  5. Brazilian Communist Party
  6. Communist Party of Brazil
  7. Communist Party of Britain
  8. Communist Party of Bulgaria
  9. Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
  10. Communist Party of Cuba
  11. AKEL
  12. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  13. Communist Party in Denmark
  14. Communist Party of Finland
  15. French Communist Party
  16. Communist Party of Macedonia (FYROM)
  17. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  18. German Communist Party
  19. Communist Party of Greece
  20. Hungarian Workers' Party
  21. Communist Part of India
  22. Communist Party of India (M)
  23. Party TUDEH of Iran
  24. Iraqi Communist Party
  25. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
  26. Workers' Party of Ireland
  27. Communist Party of Israel
  28. Communist Party of Kazakhstan
  29. Lebanese Communist Party
  30. Socialist People's Front, Lithuania
  31. Communist Party of Malta
  32. Communist Party of Mexico
  33. Communist Party of Norway
  34. Palestinian People's Party
  35. Palestinian Communist Party
  36. Portuguese Communist Party
  37. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  38. Russian Communist Workers' Party
  39. Communist Party of Soviet Union
  40. Communists of Serbia
  41. South African Communist Party
  42. Communist Party of Spain
  43. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  44. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  45. Sudanese Communist Party
  46. Syrian Communist Party
  47. Communist Party, Turkey
  48. Communist Party of Ukraine
  49. Union of Communists of Ukraine

Other SolidNet Parties

  1. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  2. Phillipine Communist Party [PKP-1930]


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