11 IMCWP, Intervention by Brazilian CP

12/29/09, 10:00 PM
  • Brazil, Brazilian Communist Party IMCWP
Brazilian Communist Party - PCB
Speech delivered at the XI Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, New Delhi, India, November 20th, 2009
"Dear Comrades:
We would like to salute all the revolutionaries of the whole world. We’d like to especially greet our comrades of the PCI and the PCI (Marxist), who have shown us that, in spite of political differences, its necessary to build the unity of action.
One of the main manifestations of the historical limits of capitalism is the current world economic crisis, which has deeply and didactically revealed all the structural problems of this system, a system based on the exploitation of human beings by other human beings: its contradictions, debilities, its capacity to destroy material and social wealth and its class character. While the capitalist governments invest trillions of dollars to save bankers and speculators, workers pay the bill of this crisis by suffering with unemployed, with the removal of social rights and living under deepening poverty conditions.
Although they’ve been wounded by the crisis, the imperialist countries conduct a major offensive to try to recover the profit rates and to combat the rise of popular mobilization that has been taken place all over the world. They promote wars against the peoples, as they’re doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, they provide weapons to Israel to threat the population of that region and expel the Palestinian people from their lands. In Latin America, they develop a policy of isolation and sabotage against the progressive governments of the region, as they reactivate the IV Fleet and transform Colombia into a large USA’s military base. This whole strategy has the goal of threatening Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba and even countries whose governments are unwilling to promote deeply social changes, such as Brazil, to ensure their control over the extraordinary wealth of the continent, which includes the “Pre-Salt” oil reserves, the Amazon, the vast biodiversity of the region and the Guarani Aquifer, in the south.
The crisis demonstrates the necessity for populations to oppose the capitalist barbarism and to find alternatives in order to build a new human sociability. All over the world, especially in Latin America, people resist and try to build alternative projects based on popular mobilization. Cuba’s heroic struggle is the example to be followed, an example that will be remembered as a historic milestone of a people’s resistance against imperialism.
In this scenario, Brazil has been playing a decisive role in the continental balance of power, but clearly within the capitalist order and not to promote changes towards socialism. With the aim of becoming one more of world capitalist powers, the present government, in some episodes, has adopted positions that may be contrary to some interests of the U.S. imperialism. However, these “progressive” positions have the goal of creating a third pole of Latin American integration, aligned with the interests of the capitalist system. In other words, neither FTAA, nor ALBA, but the leadership of a social-liberal block aligned with the Southern Cone countries, driven by forces that also behave as a “responsible left”, which is reliable in the eyes of imperialism and of the local elites, what contributes to deepen the isolation of those countries that have chosen the path of popular mobilization and confrontation.
The institutional support to some Latin American leftist governments has been functional to the expansion of Brazilian capitalism, which expands around the continent, where companies from Brazil behave like any other multinational enterprises. As the main objective is to include Brazil in the world as a capitalist power, Lula’s government does not hesitate to adopt imperialistic actions, as when Brazil commands the occupation of Haiti to support a right-wing coup d’Etat, when the Brazilian Government diplomatically retaliates Ecuador to defend the construction of a Brazilian company or when the Brazilian Army promotes military exercises on the border with Paraguay – using real fire – to defend the Brazilian soybean farmers settled in Paraguay who are facing the Paraguayan peasant movement and when the Brazilian government insists in keeping the conditions of the Itaipu Treaty which are unfair to Paraguay.
Brazilian capitalism is part of the global accumulation process and integrates the world’s imperialist system, The Brazilian ruling classes are inextricably linked to international capital. The Brazilian bourgeoisie doesn’t dispute its hegemony with any pre-capitalist sector. It is the other way around: it primarily disputes spaces within the imperialist capital order, though it remains subjected to it, especially to avoid the possibility of a revolutionary process, in which the proletariat might emerge as a protagonist.
The present development status of productive forces is enough to solve the needs of the whole world’s population, but it’s in full contradiction with the form bourgeois social relations which privately accumulate the socially produced wealth. Capitalism is definitely antagonic to human life. So, it’s time to create the conditions to overcome this system in order to promote the socialist revolution.
Latin America will keep on being an important spot of struggle against capital, as important social change processes are articulated around ALBA in a clear opposition to imperialist fractions which dispute the hegemony over the markets and the natural resources of the region, and that includes many sectors of the Brazilian bourgeoisie.
The communists of the whole world must work together to denounce and defeat the paramilitary and terrorist State of Colombia, what is part of the struggle to strengthen the support to Socialist Cuba and to deepen the processes of social change that are taking place in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and possibly in Paraguay and other countries.
We must keep on denouncing the coup d’Etat in Honduras and keep on fighting for Democracy and social change; We must fight for peace and Democracy in all Latin America and we are to denounce the creation of the seven U.S. military basis in Colombia; We must offer total solidarity to the Colombian Communist Party and oppose the criminalization of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, as well as its right to be recognized as a political organization. Every people has the right to choose the necessary form of fighting against oppression.
Finally, we would like to propose that this Meeting makes some steps towards the strengthening of the ties between our parties and the increasing of both the number and the quality of our joint actions: The first one is a common public letter, signed by all of us, to the Colombian Government, demanding the recognition of the FARC as a political organization; We also propose the organization of regional Meetings of the Communist and Workers’ Parties in all continents.
Long live the Communist and Workers’ Parties
Long live the Proletarian Internationalism!
Thank you"


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