14th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP)
“Strengthen the struggles against escalating imperialist aggressiveness,
for satisfying peoples’socio-economic-democratic rights and aspirations, for socialism”.
Beirut, Lebanon, 22 to 25 November 2012
1- Parti Algérien pour la démocratie et le socialisme (PADS)
2- Communist Party of Azerbaïdjan
3- Democratic Progressive Tribune (Menbar) of Bahrain
4- Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
5- Communist Party of Bangladesh
6- Communist Party of Belarus
7- Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB)
8- Brazilian Communist Party (PCB)
9- Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B)
10- Communist Party of Britain
11- Communist Party of Canada
12- Communist Party of China
13- Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
14- Cuban Communist Party
15- AKEL- Cyprus
16- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
17- Communist Party in Denmark (KPID)
18- Communist Party of Denmark
19- Communist Party of Egypt
20- Communist Party of Finland
21- French Communist Party (PCF)
22- DKP- Germany
23- Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
24- Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party
25- Communist Party of India (Marxist)
26- Iraqi Communist Party
27- Communist Party of Kurdistan – Iraq
28- Communist Party of Ireland
29- Workers’ Party of Ireland
30- Party of the Italian Communists
31- Party of the Refoundation Communist
32- Jordanian Communist Party
33- Lebanese Communist Party
34- Communist Party of Mexico
35- Communist Party of Nepal [UML]
36- New Communist Party of the Netherlands
37- Palestinian People Party (PPP)
38- Communist Party of Norway
39- Palestinian Communist Party
40- Portuguese Communist Party
41- Communist Party of the Russian federation
42- Communist Workers' Party of Russia - Revolution Party of Communists (RKRP-RPC)
43- Communist Party of Soviet Union
44- South African Communist Party
45- Communist Party of Spain
46- Party of the Communists of Cataluña
47- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)
48- Communist Party of Sri Lanka
49- Sudanese Communist Party
50- Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
51- Syrian Communist Party
52- Syrian Communist party (Unified)
53- Communist Party of Tajikistan
54- Labour Party, Turkey (EMEP)
55- Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)
56- Communist Party of Ukraine
57- Union of Communists of Ukraine
58- Communist Party, USA (CPUSA)
59- Communist Party of Vietnam
60- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Apology messages
1- Communist Party of Australia
2- Communist Party of Chile
3- Communist Party of India (CPI)
4- Tudeh Party of Iran (TUDEH)
5- Communist Party of Luxembourg
6- Communist Party of Malta
7- Communist Party of Pakistan
8- Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)
Written Contribution
Tudeh Party of Iran