The Communist and workers’ Parties that subscribe, in the framework of the XIV International Meeting of the Communist and Workers’ Parties that gathers in Beirut, Lebanon, express the following with regard to the situation in Colombia:
Declaração sobre a paz na Colômbia
Os Partidos Comunistas e Operários que subscrevem esta moção, no âmbito do XIV Encontro Internacional dos Partidos Comunistas e Operários que ocorre em Beirute, no Líbano, expressam o seguinte em relação à situação na Colômbia:
• Os diálogos apenas são possíveis se ambas as partes os facilitarem com um cessar-fogo que permita a ampla participação do povo. Saudamos a decisão unilateral das FARC-EP neste sentido.
• Exigimos garantias plenas para que as organizações políticas, sindicais, camponesas, estudantis e todas as forças sociais possam se expressar nesses diálogos para a paz. Condenamos a intimidação e a campanha de repressão contra a Marcha Patriótica, o Partido Comunista Colombiano e o jornal semanalVoz.
• Exigimos que as FARC-EP sejam retiradas da lista de organizações terroristas dos EUA e da UE. Ao mesmo tempo, que seja reconhecido ostatusde força beligerante às FARC-EP.
The Parties:
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS)
Communist Party of Azerbaijan
Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
Communist Party of Bangladesh
Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB)
Brazilian Communist Party (PCB)
Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B)
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Canada
Communist Party of China
Croatian Socialist Workers’ Party
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Egypt
Egyptian Communist Party
Communist Party of Finland
French Communist Party (PCF)
German Communist Party (DKP)
Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Kurdistan - Iraq
Communist Party of Ireland
Workers’ Party of Ireland
Party of the Italian Communist
Party of the Refoundation of Italy
Jordanian Communist Party
Lebanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Mexico
The New Communist Party of Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Palestinian Communist Party
Portuguese Communist Party
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Communist Workers Party of Russia - Revolution Party of Communists (RKRP-RPC)
Union of Communist Parties – Communist Party of the Soviet Union
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
South African Communist Party
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
Communist Party of Spain
Communist Party of Cataluña
Communist Party of Sri Lanka
Sudanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Sudan
Communist Party of Sweden
Syrian Communist Party
Communist Party of Tajikistan
Communist Party of Turkey
Union of Communists of Ukraine