Solidarity with Lebanon [En., Ru. Pt., Ar.]

11/25/12, 11:00 PM
  • Ar En Pt Ru

Solidarity with Lebanon

The representatives of the 14th IMCWP, who are meeting Beirut, capital of Lebanon, confirm the position of the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) which calls for the necessity to face the aggressiveness of imperialism toward Lebanon and the region, this imperialism which is working on dividing the region into conflicted sectarian parts. So they confirm:

1 – Supporting the LCP, the people of Lebanon and its national resistance against the aggressiveness of Israel and the imperialist – backward conspiracies against national unity of Lebanon.

2 – Condemning the Israeli occupation to Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills (Telal Kfarshouba) and capturing the bodies of the martyrs of national resistance.

3 – Supporting the ambitions of the people of Lebanon in democratic change for the sake of building resisting democratic country.

4 – Supporting the struggle of the democratic and progressive workers' syndicates for the sake of achieving all their socio – economic rights.

Резолюция о солидарности с борьбой ливанского народа и его демократического и прогрессивного профсоюзного движения

Представители коммунистических и рабочих партий на своей 14-ой международной встрече в Бейруте поддерживают позицию Ливанской коммунистической партии, которая призывает к необходимости противостоять агрессивным планам империализма против Ливана и всего региона, направленным на разделение его на враждующие между собой конфессиональные и сектантские кантоны. Таким образом, они подтверждают:

- свою поддержку Ливанской коммунистической партии, ливанского народа и его национального сопротивления агрессивности Израиля и проискам империалистических и реакционных сил против национального единства страны.

- свое осуждение израильской оккупации районов Шебаа и Кфар-Шуба, а также продолжающегося удерживания Израилем тел павших героев национального сопротивления.

- свою поддержку устремлений ливанского народа к демократическим преобразованиям на пути построения демократического сопротивляющегося общества.

- свою поддержку борьбы профсоюзного и рабочего демократического и прогрессивного движения за экономические и социальные права рабочих и служащих.

Solidariedade com o Líbano

Os representantes do 14 ºEncontro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas e Operários, reunidos em Beirute, capital do Líbano, confirmam a posição do Partido Comunista Libanês (PCL), que chama pela necessidade de enfrentar a agressividade do imperialismo com relação ao Líbano e à região, esse imperialismo que está trabalhando para dividir a região em partes sectárias conflitantes. Assim, declaram:

1 - Apoiar a PCL, o povo do Líbano e sua resistência nacional contra a agressividade de Israel e dos imperialistas - conspirações passadas contra a unidade nacional do Líbano.

2 - Condenar a ocupação israelense das Fazendas De Shebaa e Colinas de Kafr Shuba (Telal Kfarshouba) e a captura dos corpos dos mártires da resistência nacional.

3 - Apoiar as ambições do povo do Líbano por mudança democrática em prol da construção de um país democrático.

4 - Apoiar a luta dos sindicatos dos trabalhadores democráticos e progressistas , pela conquista de todos os seus direitos sócio-econômicos.

قرار تضامني مع نضال

الشعب اللبناني وحركته النقابية الديمقراطية والتقدمية

يؤكد ممثلو الأحزاب الشيوعية والعمالية العالمية المجتمعة في بيروت على موقف الحزب الشيوعي اللبناني الذي يدعو فيه الى ضرورة مواجهة العدوانية الامبريالية على لبنان والمنطقة، التي تعمل على تقسيمها الى كانتونات طائفية ومذهبية متصارعة. لذلك هم يؤكدون على:

- دعم الحزب الشيوعي اللبناني والشعب اللبناني ومقاومته الوطنية ضد عدوانية إسرائيل والمؤامرات الامبريالية – الرجعية ضد وحدة لبنان الوطنية.

- ادانة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لمزارع شبعا وتلال كفر شوبا، واستمراره باحتجاز جثامين لشهداء من المقاومة الوطنية.

- دعم طموحات الشعب اللبناني في عملية التغيير الديمقراطي من أجل بناء الوطن الديمقراطي المقاوم.

- دعم نضال الحركة النقابية والعمالية الديمقراطية والتقدمية من أجل حقوقها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية كافة.


1- Parti Algérien pour la démocratie et le socialisme (PADS)

2- Communist Party of Azerbaïdjan

3- Democratic Progressive Tribune (Menbar) of Bahrain

4- Workers Party of Bangladesh

5- Communist party of Bangladesh

6- Communist Party of Belarus

7- Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB)

8- Brazilian Communist Party (PCB)

9- Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B)

10- Communist Party of Britain

11- Communist Party of Canada

12- Communist Party of China

13- Croatian Socialist Workers’ Party

14- Cuban Communist Party

15- AKEL- Cyprus

16- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

17- Communist Party in Denmark (KPID)

18- Communist Party of Denmark

19- Communist Party of Egypt

20- Communist Party of Finland

21- French Communist Party (PCF)

22- DKP- Germany

23- Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

24- Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party

25- Communist Party of India (Marxist)

26- Iraqi Communist Party

27- Communist Party of Kurdistan – Iraq

28- Communist Party of Ireland

29- Workers’ Party of Ireland

30- Party of the Italian Communists

31- Party of the Refoundation Communist

32- Jordanian Communist Party

33- Lebanese Communist Party

34- Communist Party of Mexico

35- Communist Party of Nepal

36- Communist Party of Netherland

37- Palestinian People Party (PPP)

38- Communist Party of Norway

39- Palestinian Communist Party

40- Portuguese Communist Party

41- Communist Party of the Russian federation

42- Communist Workers Party of Russia - Revolution Party of Communists (RKRP-RPC)

43- Communist Party of Soviet Union

44- South African Communist Party

45- Communist Party of Spain

46- Communist Party of Cataluña

47- Communist Party of Peoples of Spain (PCPE)

48- Communist Party of Sri Lanka

49- Sudanese Communist Party

50- Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)

51- Syrian Communist Party

52- Syrian Communist party (Unified)

53- Communist Party of Tajikistan

54- Labour Party, Turkey (EMEP)

55- Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

56- Communist Party of Ukraine

57- Union of Communists of Ukraine

58- Communist Party of Vietnam

59- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain