In solidarity with the Egyptian people and its progressive movements, for the toppling of the latest reversal procedures [En., Ar., Pt.]

11/25/12, 11:00 PM
  • Ar En Pt

The Parties gathered for the 14th IMCWP, taking place in Beirut (23-25 November 2012), announce their full solidarity with the struggle of the Egyptian people and that of the Egyptian Communist party and the democratic and national movements for the toppling of the dangerous reversal procedures announced by the president of the Republic on the 22nd of November 2012. These procedures aim at legalizing a new dictatorship and lay the ground for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamite movement to issue a new Constitution which establishes the foundation for a fascist religious state and for the control of capitalism in its most parasitic, despotic and backward forms.

The above mentioned parties also announce their support of the Egyptian people in its Intifada in Tahrir square as well as the rebellious districts which oppose these serious procedures, for te realization of the democratic, social and economic demands which were sought after by millions in the Egyptian Revolution.

Em solidariedade ao povo egípcio e seus movimentos progressistas, para a derrubada dos procedimentos mais recentes de retrocesso

Os partidos reunidos para o 14ºEncontro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas e Operários, ocorrido em Beirute (23-25 de Novembro de 2012), anunciam a sua total solidariedade com a luta do povo egípcio e a do Partido Comunista Egípcio, bem como aos movimentos democráticos e nacionais pela derrubada dos perigosos procedimentos de retrocesso anunciados pelo presidente da República no dia 22 de novembro de 2012. Esses procedimentos visam legalizar uma nova ditadura e preparam o terreno para que a Irmandade Muçulmana e o movimento Islamita preparem uma nova Constituição que estabelece as bases para um Estado religioso fascista e para o poder do capitalismo, sob suas formas mais parasitárias, despóticas e atrasadas.

Os partidos mencionados também anunciam seu apoio ao povo egípcio em sua Intifada na Praça Tahrir, bem como aos distritos rebeldes que se opõem a estes sérios procedimentos, pela realização das demandas democráticas, sociais e econômicas que foram semeadas por milhões de pessoas na Revolução Egípcia.

قرار تضامن من الأحزاب الشوعية والعمالية العالمية مع الشعب المصري وقواه التقدمية والديمقراطية

من أجل إسقاط الإجراءات الإنقلابية الأخيرة

يعلن المجتمعون في اللقاء الرابع عشر للأحزاب الشيوعية والعمالية العالمية والمنعقد في بيروت ( 23-25 نوفمبر 2012 ) عن تضامنهم الكامل مع نضال جماهير الشعب المصري ومع نضال الحزب الشيوعي المصري والقوى الوطنية والديمقراطية المصرية من اجل إسقاط الإجراءات الإنقلابية الخطيرة التي أعلنها رئيس الجمهورية في 22 نوفمبر 2012، والتي تكرس في يديه سلطات ديكتاتورية مطلقة، وتمهد الطريق أمام جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وتيار الإسلام السياسي لإصدار دستور يؤسس لدولة دينية فاشية، ولسلطة الرأسمالية الكبيرة في أشد صورها استبداداً وطفيلية وتخلفاً. كما يعلن المجتمعون مساندتهم لجماهير الشعب المصري المنتفضة في ميدان التحرير والمحافظات لمناهضة هذه الإجراءات الخطيرة، ومن أجل تحقيق المطالب الإجتماعية والإقتصادية والديمقراطية التي طالب بها الملايين في الثورة المصرية.


1- Parti Algérien pour la démocratie et le socialisme (PADS)

2- Communist Party of Azerbaïdjan

3- Democratic Progressive Tribune (Menbar) of Bahrain

4- Communist party of Bangladesh

5- Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB)

6- Brazilian Communist Party (PCB)

7- Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B)

8- Communist Party of Britain

9- Communist Party of Canada

10- Croatian Socialist Workers’ Party

11- Cuban Communist Party

12- AKEL- Cyprus

13- Communist Party in Denmark (KPID)

14- Communist Party of Denmark

15- Communist Party of Egypt

16- Communist Party of Finland

17- French Communist Party (PCF)

18- DKP- Germany

19- Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

20- Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party

21- Communist Party of India (Marxist)

22- Iraqi Communist Party

23- Communist Party of Kurdistan – Iraq

24- Communist Party of Ireland

25- Workers’ Party of Ireland

26- Party of the Italian Communists

27- Party of the Refoundation Communist

28- Jordanian Communist Party

29- Lebanese Communist Party

30- Communist Party of Mexico

31- Communist Party of Nepal

32- Communist Party of Netherland

33- Palestinian People Party (PPP)

34- Communist Party of Norway

35- Palestinian Communist Party

36- Portuguese Communist Party

37- Communist Party of the Russian federation

38- Communist Party of Soviet Union

39- Communist Workers Party of Russia - Revolution Party of Communists (RKRP-RPC)

40- South African Communist Party

41- Communist Party of Spain

42- Communist Party of Cataluña

43- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain

44- Sudanese Communist Party

45- Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)

46- Syrian Communist Party

47- Syrian Communist party (Unified)

48- Communist Party of Tajikistan

49- Labour Party, Turkey (EMEP)

50- Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

52- Union of Communists of Ukraine

52- Communist Party of USA (CPUSA)

53- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain