Declaration in Solidarity with Latin American and Caribbean peoples’ struggles [En, Es]

11/27/17, 12:34 PM
  • En Es

Declaration in Solidarity with Latin American and Caribbean peoples’ struggles [En, Es]

Communist and Workers parties, gathered in Leningrad within the XIX IMCWP celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, express their firm and combatant solidarity with the working class and peoples of Latin America and the Caribean:

-In the face of aggressive anti-workers, anti-popular policies aimed to take away workers and union rights, with the so called labour flexibilization and outsourcing increasing exploitation, imposing longer work shifts , deteriorating workers income’s purchasing power and thus sentencing more workers and their families to suffer hunger and poverty.

-Confronting capitalist monopolies, that independently of the nationality they present themselves with, increase their gains while living and working standards for working class deteriorate precipitously.

-Facing the offensive of energy, mining, agriculture monopolies, who pillage the earth and strip native peoples and communities from their resources, promote paramilitary groups and intensify exploitation of working class and por farmers.

-In the face of continued imperialist aggression with their free trade agreements, punitive military plans, army bases, the IV Fleet.

-Facing harsh anti-immigrant policies from US imperialism, reinforced during the Obama administration and hardened today with Trump, against workers from Central America, the Caribean, Haiti, and Mexico.

-Against the wall that the Trump administration seeks to build across the border between the US and Mexico.

-Facing imperialist blockade against Cuba, as well as similar measures promoted by the European Union.

-Facing aggressive imperialist policies against the working class in Venezuela.

-Amid escalating political assasination in Colombia, and for the liberation of more than 1500 insurgent prisoners held in several colombian jails, that threatens the peace process.

Reaching the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the transition era from capitalism to socialism with the victory of the October Revolution, and 50 years after the falling in combat of Ernesto Guevara, communist and workers parties, from Leningrad express their firm internationalist solidarity and support to the struggle of the working class and peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean to conquer their rights, for the overthrowing of the capitalist barbarity, for the only option for the survival of mankind which is socialism.

Signed by:

  1. Party of Labour of Austria
  2. Communist Party of Bangladesh
  3. Brazilian Communist Party
  4. New Communist Party of Britain
  5. Communist Party of Canada
  6. Communist Party in Denmark
  7. Communist Party of Denmark
  8. Communist Party of Ecuador
  9. Communist Party of Esthonia
  10. Communist Party of Finland
  11. German Communist Party
  12. Communist Party of Greece
  13. Workers Party of Ireland
  14. Communist Party (Italy)
  15. Communist Party of Jordan
  16. Socialist Party of Latvia
  17. Communist Party of Mexico
  18. Communist Party of Norway
  19. Communist Party of Pakistan
  20. Palestinian Communist Party
  21. Paraguayan Communist Party
  22. Philipines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
  23. Romanian Socialist Party
  24. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  25. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  26. Communists of Serbia
  27. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  28. Communist Party of Turkey
  29. Union of Communists in Ukraine

Proyecto de Resolución en solidaridad con las luchas de los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe

Los partidos comunistas y obreros reunidos en Leningrado, en el marco del XIX EIPCO, en ocasión del centenario de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre, expresan su firme y combativa solidaridad a la clase obrera y a los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe:

-Frente a las agresivas medidas antiobreras, antipopulares, que recortan derechos sindicales y laborales, que con la llamada flexibilidad laboral y el outourcing acentúan la explotación, aumentan las horas de la jornada de trabajo, deterioran el poder adquisitivo del salario, condenan a los trabajadores y sus familias al hambre y la miseria.

-Frente a la lucha contra los monopolios, que independientemente de la nacionalidad que ostenten, acrecientan sus ganancias mientras se deterioran las condiciones de vida y trabajo de la clase obrera.

-Frente a la ofensiva de los monopolios minero-energéticos, agroindustriales, etc, que despojan de tierra a los pueblos originarios y comunidades campesinas, que fomentan grupos paramilitares, y que intensifican la explotación sobre la clase obrera y los campesinos pobres.

-Frente a la continuación de la agresión imperialista, con sus tratados de libre comercio, sus planes militares punitivos, sus bases militares, la IV Flota.

-Frente a las medidas antiinmigrantes del imperialismo estadounidense, acentuadas durante la administración Obama, y que hoy con Trump se redoblan contra los trabajadores centroamericanos, caribeños, sobre todo haitianos, mexicanos.

-Frente al muro que busca ser construido en la frontera de EEUU y México.

-Frente al bloqueo imperialista contra Cuba, así como contra las medidas similares promovidas por la Unión Europea.

-Frente a las medidas agresivas del imperialismo contra la clase obrera y el pueblo venezolano.

-Frente a la escalada de asesinatos políticos en Colombia y por la libertad de los más de 1500 insurgentes presos en diversas cárceles colombianas, que ponen en cuestión el proceso de paz.

Al cumplirse un siglo del inicio de la época de tránsito del capitalismo al socialismo con el triunfo de la Revolución de Octubre, y 50 años de la caída en combate de Ernesto Guevara, los partidos comunistas y obreros, desde Leningrado, expresan su solidaridad internacionalista y apoyan la lucha de la clase obrera, de los pueblos de America Latina y el Caribe para conquistar sus derechos, para el derrocamiento de la barbarie capitalista, por el socialismo que es la única opción.


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