11 IMCWP, Intervention by CP of Pakistan

12/21/09, 10:00 PM
  • Pakistan, Communist Party of Pakistan IMCWP
Intervention by Imdad Qazi, Communist Party of Pakistan
International capitalist crisis
Last international meeting’s analysis of crisis of capitalism has been proved hundred percent correct. The crisis is not only continuing but is increasing in intensity. World Bank and international monetary fund have predicated increase in its depth and diversity. This expanding crisis has resulted in increase of unemployment and intolerable hike of prices in all the developed centers of capitalism particularly United State of America. This increase has engulfed developing countries as well. Cost of living has increased by minimum 20 per cent during last one year. More than 2 Billion people are living below poverty line and majority of them go to sleep without taking any food.
Capitalism has been trying to wriggle out of crisis without any change in its system of exploitation. It is banking upon flight of capital from markets of developing countries and capturing of world energy resources. Capitalist world, under the leadership of USA, has adopted the path of creating war hysteria for attaining its objectives. In this way world has entered into an undeclared world war having its center in Asia. War adventure has been continuing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Different strategies are being adopted to control the oil and Gas reservoirs of Central Asia.
Dear comrade,
The war hysteria has been created to stop movements for social changes becoming stronger, in capitalist centers. Religious fundamentalism and theories of civilisation’s clash are being utilised as tools for the purpose. Non existing villains and so called heroes are being created to play with the people sentiments so that war atmosphere may be continued. World electronic and print media has played the required role of producing conducive environment, for the campaign. Common man has been forced to think only about danger to its existence through this propaganda campaign. He has no time at this disposal to think on problems of life. Our country, Pakistan is also passing through this situation. Everyone is in the grip of fear from religious fanatics created by USA and its allied during cold war era. The militant wings of these fundamentalist forces have succeeded in intimidating the society to a very large extent. The so called war against terror, started by US imperialism has destabilised the entire region. No Pakistani Town or city is safe. Suicide bombings, claiming hundreds of lives, are daily routine now. This situation is being exploited, in capitalist centers, to gain support for continuation of war, as end of war is not in their interest.
“The workers and people’s struggle”
Dear Comrades,
War industry has been flourishing as a result of above situation. Developing countries have also been tempted to join the arm race. Working class fined it in a situation where it has to fight for its survival only. Wage reduction and retrenchments from employments are the immediate dangers for them. They have to go one step backward and are not in a position to demand increase in remuneration and facilities. Trade Unions are trying to satisfy their members by promising safeguarding the rights of workers who are lucky enough to escape firing from jobs. Workers are being persuaded by their leaders to accept decreased facilities both in quantity and quality. Employment through contractors has become a common feature both in public and private sectors. Laws for minimum wages are not being implemented. People have to retreat even from demands of social security and democratic rights. In a country like Pakistan people have fallen prey to the propaganda that US interference, its military bases and private armies are their protectors. Anti-imperialist struggle, in this way, has suffered a setback. People of developed capitalist countries, instead of raising voice against increasing war expenditure, become victim of war phobia. This is the reason why—liberal and social democrats have increasing their vote banks in most European countries and communists have lost some ground.
The alternative and Role of Communists and working class movement
Dear Comrades,
Intensifying movements for establishments of peace and socialist societies as an alternative of war and ills of capitalism is the need of hour. Comrade Lenin had not proposed reforms in capitalist system during world wars to counter the imperialist campaign of capturing and redistribution of economic markets. He had, rather, given the alternative of socialism to attain the objectives of peace and ending the war. Today also, workers and communist parties should struggles on the basis of this alternative program. Parties of Latin America have succeeded in mobilising people on the basis of this alternative. They deserve full appreciation for this remarkable feat. We are confident that the communist and worker parties of the region will be successful in reaching their ultimate goal.
Dear Comrades,
We have to take repeated guidance from Marxism and Leninism while struggling on these lines. We have to make roots among masses by raising their issues. We must adopt revolutionary stances instead of following populist lines. Our parties have to organise people on cadre basis. People’s revolts can only be organised by cadre parties. Peoples could be lead towards people’s revolutions through these revolutionary movements. World will continue to remain victim of barbarism until a socialist revolution or revolutionary changes are brought in this direction.
Long live Marxism Leninism
Long live socialist Alternative
Long live communist and workers parties international unity
Communist Party of Pakistan
Central Secretariat: D-168, Naseem Nagar Phase-III, Hyderabad, Sindh.
Phone: +92-22-2654531, Fax: +92-22-2654531,
Mob: +92-333-2714014, +92-300-3065723,


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