10 IMCWP, Stop Political Repression in Georgia [En., Pt.]

11/28/08, 4:23 AM
  • En Pt
http://www.pcdob.org.br , mailto:internacional@pcdob.org.br
10th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
Stop Political Repression in Georgia
Georgia under US-imposed President Saakashvili has become a puppet militarizes state that serves the interests of American imperialism. Georgian troops participate in the colonial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Saakashvili is prepared to convert Georgia in a NATO military base for attacks against neighboring countries including Russia and Iran.
The pro-American foreign policy is accompanied y repressive and a viciously anti-Communist domestic polices. Hundreds of member and activists of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia have been detained over the last several years. Dozens were assaulted, 8 comrades were condemned to long prison sentences, 4 party activists disappeared after being kidnapped, Party leaders have to seek refuge abroad. Thus behind the curtain of Western-style democracy and unknown to the world the Saakashvili regime is practicing the worst example of dictatorship.
In a desperate attempt to erase en the memory of the Soviet Union in Georgia he recently declared his intention o destroy the world famous monument to Josef Stalin in the Stalin’s native city of Gori. If this happens it will be a worst case of political barbarism imaginable. The monument survived many previous attempts to destroy it. The people of Gori have defended it courageously. But now President Saakashvili is not only going to destroy it but even to transform the nearby Stalin Museum in a museum of the “Russian occupation”.
We strongly condemn the repressive policy of the President Saakashvili, call for an immediate release of the political prisoners and freedom of activities for all political parties in Georgia, including the Communist Party.
We equally strongly condemn Mr. Saakashvili’s intention to destroy the monument to one on the most outstanding political leaders of the XX Century. Comrade Stalin and demand that such criminal plans be dropped.
São Paulo, 21-23 November, 2008.
Fim da Repressão Política na Georgia
Sob o governo do Presidente Saakashvili , imposto pelos EUA, a Georgia tornou-se uma estado-fantoche militarizado que serve aos interesses do imperialismo norte-americano. As tropas da Georgia participam das guerras colonialistas no Iraque no Afeganistão. O Pres. Saakashvili está preparado para converter a Georgia em uma base militar da OTAN para atacar os países vizinhos, inclusive a Rússia e o Iran.
A política externa pró-EUA é acompanhada de políticas domesticas repressivas e viciosas. Centenas de membros e ativistas do Partido Comunista Unificado da Geórgia foram detidos nos últimos anos. Dezenas foram assaltados, 8 companheiros foram condenados a longas penas de prisão, 4 ativistas do partido desapareceram após terem sido seqüestrados, dirigentes do Partido dirigentes refugiaram-se no exterior. Assim, por detrás da cortina de democracia ao estilo ocidental e sem o conhecimento dos povos do mundo, o governo de Saakashvili está praticando o pior exemplo de ditadura.
Numa tentativa desesperada de apagar a memória da ex-União Soviética na Geórgia, o presidente declarou recentemente sua intenção de destruir monumento de Josef Stalin, conhecido em todo o mundo, em Gori, sua cidade natal. Se isso realmente acontecer, será o caso pior do barbárie política que se possa imaginar. O monumento sobreviveu a muitas tentativas anteriores de destruição. A população de Gori o defende corajosamente. O presidente Saakashvili não deseja apenas destruir o monumento a Stalin, mas também transformar o Museu Stalin anexo no museu da "ocupação russa".
Condenamos veementemente a repressão política do Presidente Saakashvili, e fazemos um apelo à libertação imediata dos presos políticos e pela liberdade da atuação de todos os partidos políticos na Geórgia, incluindo o Partido Comunista.
Condenamos também veementemente a intenção do Sr. Saakashvili de destruir o monumento a um dos mais notáveis líderes políticos do século 20, o camarada Stalin e exigimos que tais planos criminosos sejam abandonados.
São Paulo, 23 de novembro de 2008
  1. Brazil – Communist Party of Brazil – PCdoB
  2. Algerie – Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  3. Bolivia - Communist Party of Bolívia
  4. Belarus – Communist Party of Belarus
  5. Brazil - Brazilian Communist Party
  6. Bulgaria - Communist Party of Bulgaria
  7. Chile - Communist Party of Chile
  8. Denmark - Communist Party of Denmark
  9. Denmark - Communist Party in Denmark
  10. Greece - Communist Party of Greece
  11. Georgia – Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  12. Hungary – Communist Party of the Workers of Hungary
  13. Lao – Laosian Popular Revolutionary Party
  14. Latvia – Socialist Party of Latvia
  15. Lebanon – Lebanese Communist Party
  16. Mexico – Party of Communists
  17. Mexico – Partido Popular Socialista de México
  18. Nepal – Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
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  21. Palestine - Palestinian People’s Party
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  24. Peru - Communist Party of Peru – ‘Pátria Roja’
  25. Peru - Peruvian Communist Party
  26. Russia – Party of the Communist Workers of Russia
  27. Russia - Communist Party of Russia Federation
  28. Servia - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  29. Spain - Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  30. Syria – Syrian Communist Party
  31. Syria - Syrian Communist Party
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  33. Turkey – Communist Party of Turkey
  34. Ukraine - Union of the Communists of Ukraine
  35. Uruguay - Communist Party of Uruguay
  36. Venezuela – Communist Party of Venezuela


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