10 IMCWP, Against the Imperialist threats and for Peace and Democracy in the region and in Iran [En., Pt.]

11/28/08, 4:23 AM
  • En Pt
http://www.pcdob.org.br , mailto:internacional@pcdob.org.br
10th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
Against the Imperialist threats and for Peace and Democracy in the region and in Iran
We, the undersigned parties and organisations, participants at the 10th International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties held 21-23 November 2008 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, express our grave concern about the continued military presence of US imperialism and its allies in the Middle East region and the continued US military build up in the Persian Gulf region and the continuation of the US militaristic and hegemonic stance in its conflict with Iran. George Bush, and his policies that were resoundingly rejected by the American people in the recent US elections, continues with its war mongering policies and in recent weeks has renewed the “emergency measures against Iran”. We believe that the US policy towards Iran in the past 8 years, as well as the military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and threats towards Syria are all part and parcel of the US plans for the entire “Greater Middle East” and is aimed at securing the hegemony of the US over the region's extensive energy resources.
The current atmosphere of tension with Imperialism as well as the US interventionist policies towards Iran is being exploited by the Iranian theocratic regime to justify and extend its suppression of progressive forces, trade unions, women and youth and student movements. These same movements are crucial parts of the emerging movement for peace and social justice in Iran. We note with concern also the deterioration of human rights situation in Iran over the recent months. We have received reports of fresh attacks against the activists of women movement over the past few weeks.
We declare our commitment to campaign that the new incoming US administration, abandons the Bush aggressive policies towards Iran and adopts a new policy based on negotiations and non-interference. We once again express our total opposition to any military attack against Iran by the US, the EU or Israel.
The future direction of developments in Iran should be decided only by the people of Iran and no one else.
We call for the elimination of all nuclear weapons in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world, strict observance of the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty and declaring the region a nuclear weapons free zone.
We declare our solidarity with the struggle of the Iranian people for peace, democracy, human rights and social justice.
São Paulo, 23th November, 2008
Contra as ameaças imperialistas, pela paz e a democracia no Irã e na região.
Nós, partidos e organizações abaixo-assinados, participantes do 10º Encontro Internacional dos Partidos Comunistas e Operários realizado de 21 a 23 de novembro de 2008 em São Paulo, Brasil, manifestamos nossa grande preocupação com a presença contínua das forças armadas do Imperialismo norte-americano e de seus aliados na região do Oriente Médio, com a constante fortificação militar norte-americana no Golfo Pérsico e região e com a continuação da postura militarista e hegemônica estadunidense em seu conflito com o Irã.
George Bush, cujas políticas foram expressivamente rejeitadas pelo povo norte-americano nas recentes eleições do país, continua com sua campanha belicosa e nas últimas semanas renovou as “medidas de emergência contra o Irã”. Acreditamos que as políticas norte-americanas dirigidas ao Irã nos últimos 8 anos, bem como a ocupação militar do Iraque e do Afeganistão e as ameaças contra a Síria fazem parte dos planos dos Estados Unidos para todo o “Grande Oriente Médio”, objetivando assegurar a hegemonia estadunidense sobre os extensivos recursos energéticos da região.
A presente atmosfera de tensão causada pelo Imperialismo, assim como pelas políticas intervencionistas voltadas ao Irã, está sendo explorada pelo regime teocrático iraniano para justificar e aumentar a supressão de forças progressistas, sindicatos, movimentos estudantis, feministas e da juventude. Tais movimentos são parte crucial do emergente movimento pela paz e pela justiça social no Irã. Durante os últimos meses, também constatamos com preocupação a deterioração dos direitos humanos no Irã. Relatórios de ataques recentes contra ativistas do movimento das mulheres foram recebidos ao longo das últimas semanas.
Declaramos nosso compromisso com a campanha da futura administração dos Estados Unidos de abandonar a política de agressão de Bush contra o Irã e adotar uma nova política com base em negociações e não-interferência. Mais uma vez manifestamos nossa total oposição a qualquer ataque militar contra o Irã pelos Estados Unidos, pela Europa ou por Israel.
O futuro rumo dos acontecimentos no Irã deve ser decidido apenas pelo povo iraniano e ninguém mais.
Conclamamos pela eliminação de todas as armas nucleares no Oriente Médio e em todos os outros lugares do mundo, pela estrita observância ao Tratado de Não- Proliferação de Armas Nucleares e a declaração da região como uma zona livre de armas nucleares.
Declaramos nossa solidariedade à luta do povo iraniano pela paz, pela democracia, pelos direitos humanos e pela justiça social.
São Paulo, 23 de novembro de 2008
  1. Brazil – Communist Party of Brazil – PCdoB
  2. Algerie – Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  3. Argentina – Communist Party of Argentina
  4. Belarus - Communist Party of Belarus
  5. Belgium – Workers’ Party of Belgium
  6. Bolivia - Communist Party of Bolívia
  7. Brazil - Brazilian Communist Party
  8. Bulgaria - Communist Party of Bulgaria
  9. Canada - Communist Party of Canada
  10. Chile – Communist Party of Chile
  11. Colombia – Colombian Communist Party
  12. Cyprus – Progressive Party of the Working Peoples - Akel
  13. Czech Republic - Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
  14. Denmark - Communist Party of Denmark
  15. Denmark - Communist Party in Dinamarca
  16. Ecuador - Communist Party of Ecuador
  17. Finland – Communist Party of Finland
  18. Georgia – Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  19. Germany – German Communist Party
  20. Great-Britain – Communist Party of Britain
  21. Greece - Communist Party of Greece
  22. Hungary – Communist Party of the Workers of Hungary
  23. India – Communist Party of India
  24. India - Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  25. Irak – Iraqi Communist Party
  26. Iran - Tudeh Party of Iran
  27. Ireland - Communist Party of Ireland
  28. Ireland - Worker’s Party of Ireland
  29. Italy – Party of the Communist Refoundation
  30. Italy - Party of the Italian Communists
  31. Lao – Laosian Popular Revolutionary Party
  32. Latvia – Socialist Party of Latvia
  33. Lebanon – Lebanese Communist Party
  34. Louxemburg – Communist Party de Louxemburg
  35. Mexico – Party of Communists
  36. Mexico – Partido Popular Socialista de México
  37. Nepal – Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
  38. Netherlands – New Communist Party of Netherlands
  39. Norway – Communist Party of Norway
  40. Palestine – Palestinian Communist Party
  41. Palestine - Palestinian People’s Party
  42. Panama – Party of People of Panama
  43. Pakistan - Communist Party of Pakistan
  44. Paraguay – Paraguayan Communist Party
  45. Peru - Communist Party of Peru – ‘Pátria Roja’
  46. Peru - Peruvian Communist Party
  47. Portugal – Portuguese Communist Party
  48. Russia – Party of the Communist Workers of Russia
  49. Russia - Communist Party of Russia Federation
  50. Servia - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  51. South Africa - South African Communist Party
  52. Spain - Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  53. Syria – Syrian Communist Party
  54. Syria - Syrian Communist Party
  55. Sweden – Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
  56. Turkey – Communist Party of Turkey
  57. Ukraine - Communist Party of Ukraine
  58. Ukraine - Union of the Communists of Ukraine
  59. United States of America – Communist Party of USA
  60. Uruguay - Communist Party of Uruguay
  61. Venezuela – Communist Party of Venezuela


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