10 IMCWP, Resolution In Solidarity With the Five Heroes Imprisoned by the Empire [En., Sp.]

11/28/08, 4:23 AM
  • En Es
http://www.pcdob.org.br , mailto:internacional@pcdob.org.br
10th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
Resolution In Solidarity With the Five Heroes Imprisoned by the Empire
September 12th marked ten years of the unfair incarceration of the Five Cuban heroes in the US prisons. After a rigged up trial, these brave comrades were convicted to serve four life sentences plus 77 years of imprisonment for having fought the terrorism that, with absolute impunity, is generated in the US territory against Cuba.
Throughout all these years, the Five have endured solitary confinement and been submitted to psychological pressures of every sort. The US government has imposed restrictions on their right to receive regular visits from their relatives. In particular, they have denied visas for two of their wives, Olga and Adriana, who have never been able to visit René and Gerardo in the last 8 and 10 years respectively.
Added to this is the delay in the legal process against the Five, who have been deprived from a fair, expeditious and impartial trial, as has been established by international law and the US Constitution itself. This was recognized by a Panel of three judges of the Court of Appeals of Atlanta, which vacated the sentences and ruled the celebration of a new trial, a decision that was later on revoked by that Court’s plenary.
On June 2008, another Panel of Three Judges of the Court of Appeals of the 11th Circuit ratified the convictions on all charges. However, while recognizing that no espionage crime was committed, they ordered a resentencing trial for three of the comrades.
The Court of Appeals rejected the sentence review appeal lodged by the defense. Thus, the only legal option left would be a petition to the Supreme Court of the United States to reconsider the case, which will mark the beginning of a new stage in the struggle for their release.
During all these years, the US government has ignored the claim for justice demanded by the UN and other international agencies, such as the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the Human Rights Council, as well as parliamentarians, intellectuals, Nobel Prize laureates, religious and human rights organizations and lawyers from all over the world.
That attitude ratifies that we are in the middle of a political battle, and that all actions are crucial to increase international pressure on this process so that justice is finally done in the case of these five Cubans.
For all of the above, communist and worker’s parties from all over the world ratify their solidarity with Gerardo, Rene, Ramón, Fernando and Antonio and call for their immediate release.
The parties firmed, together in the 10th International Meeting of Communist and Worker’s Parties: Our solidarity to the Cuban people and their Socialist Revolution; Be compromised to continue the solidarity and support for Cuba because of the effects of economical sanction, now increased by the consequences of the natural disasters that the country was victim; We demand with renovated strength, the end of economical, commercial and financial sanctions by the United States Government.
Sao Paulo, 23th November, 2008
Resolución de solidaridad con los cinco héroes cubanos prisioneros del imperio
El pasado 12 de septiembre se cumplieron 10 años de injusta prisión en cárceles norteamericanas de los Cinco Héroes cubanos. Mediante un juicio fraudulento estos valerosos compañeros fueron sometidos a largas condenas que suman 4 cadenas perpetuas más 77 años por luchar contra el terrorismo que de manera impune se desarrolla desde territorio de los EEUU contra la nación cubana.
Durante todos estos años, los Cinco han padecido confinamiento solitario y han sido victimas de presiones psicológicas de todo tipo. El gobierno de Estados Unidos ha limitado el derecho que tienen a recibir regularmente visitas de sus familiares, en particular les ha negado el permiso a dos de las esposas, Olga y Adriana, quienes no han podido visitar a Rene y Gerardo, desde hace 8 y 10 años, respectivamente.
A lo anterior se agrega lo dilatado del proceso legal contra los Cinco, privándoseles del derecho a un juicio justo, rápido e imparcial, como establecen las leyes internacionales y la propia constitución de los EEUU, lo cual fue reconocido en el 2005 por un Panel de tres jueces de la Corte de Apelaciones de Atlanta que anuló las sentencias y ordenó la celebración de un nuevo juicio, decisión revocada posteriormente por el pleno de la Corte.
En junio del presente año, otro Panel de tres jueces del 11no Circuito de Apelaciones ratificó los veredictos de culpabilidad en todos los cargos. Sin embargo, reconociendo que no hubo delito de espionaje, envió a tres de los compañeros a resentencia.
La Corte de Apelaciones rechazó el recurso de revisión presentado por la defensa, quedando como única opción legal la petición de consideración a la Corta Suprema de Estados Unidos, lo cual abre una nueva etapa en la lucha por su liberación.
El gobierno norteamericano ha hecho caso omiso del reclamo de justicia exigido durante este tiempo por organismos internacionales y de las Naciones Unidas, como el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Detenciones Arbitrarias de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, así como por parlamentarios, intelectuales, premios Nóbel, organizaciones religiosas, de derechos humanos y de abogados de todo el mundo.
Esta actitud ratifica que estamos ante una batalla política y que son de vital importancia todas las acciones que realicemos para incrementar la presión internacional sobre el caso y lograr que se haga justicia con estos cinco cubanos.
Por todo lo anterior, los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros de todo el mundo, ratificamos nuestra solidaridad con Gerardo, Rene, Ramón, Fernando y Antonio, y exigimos su inmediata liberación.
São Paulo, 23 de noviembre del 2008
  1. Brazil – Communist Party of Brazil – PCdoB
  2. Algerie – Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  3. Belgium – Workers’ Party of Belgium
  4. Bolivia - Communist Party of Bolívia
  5. Brazil - Brazilian Communist Party
  6. Bulgaria - Communist Party of Bulgaria
  7. Canada - Communist Party of Canada
  8. Chile – Communist Party of Chile
  9. Colombia – Colombian Communist Party
  10. Cuba - Communist Party of de Cuba
  11. Cyprus – Progressive Party of the Working Peoples - Akel
  12. Czech Republic - Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
  13. Denmark - Communist Party of Denmark
  14. Denmark - Communist Party in Dinamarca
  15. Finland – Communist Party of Finland
  16. Germany – German Communist Party
  17. Great-Britain – Communist Party of Britain
  18. Greece - Communist Party of Greece
  19. Hungary – Communist Party of the Workers of Hungary
  20. Iran - Tudeh Party of Iran
  21. Ireland - Communist Party of Ireland
  22. Ireland - Worker’s Party of Ireland
  23. Italy – Party of the Communist Refoundation
  24. Italy - Party of the Italian Communists
  25. Lao – Laosian Popular Revolutionary Party
  26. Latvia – Socialist Party of Latvia
  27. Lebanon – Lebanese Communist Party
  28. Louxemburg – Communist Party de Louxemburg
  29. Mexico – Party of Communists
  30. Mexico – Partido Popular Socialista de México
  31. Nepal – Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
  32. Netherlands – New Communist Party of Netherlands
  33. Norway – Communist Party of Norway
  34. Palestine – Palestinian Communist Party
  35. Pakistan - Communist Party of Pakistan
  36. Paraguay – Paraguayan Communist Party
  37. Peru - Communist Party of Peru – ‘Pátria Roja’
  38. Peru - Peruvian Communist Party
  39. Portugal – Portuguese Communist Party
  40. Russia – Party of the Communist Workers of Russia
  41. Russia - Communist Party of Russia Federation
  42. Servia - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  43. South Africa - South African Communist Party
  44. Spain - Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  45. Syria – Syrian Communist Party
  46. Sweden – Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
  47. Turkey – Communist Party of Turkey
  48. United States of America – Communist Party of USA
  49. Uruguay - Communist Party of Uruguay
  50. Venezuela – Communist Party of Venezuela


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