WP of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland on the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

1/2/24 11:31 AM
  • Ireland, Workers' Party of Ireland En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Workers Party of Ireland on the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution


The Workers Party of Ireland sends its fraternal and warmest comradely greetings to the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban People. Our Party stands in solidarity with Socialist Cuba on its celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Revolution. We pay tribute to the revolutionaries who stormed the Moncada Barracks on 26th July 1953, fought valiantly in the Sierra Maestra, routed the garrison in Santa Clara in a decisive victory on 27th December 1958 and ousted the US backed dictator, Fulgencio Batista, on 1st January 1959.

The Cuban Revolution has survived despite six decades of US sponsored terrorism, military invasion and economic blockades because of the socialist character of the Revolution and the solidarity between the Cuban people. Cuba with its adherence to its socialist principles and proletarian internationalism has been at the forefront of developing sustainable socialist economic planning to improve the lives of the Cuban people while supporting liberation movements abroad and providing much needed medical assistance, which was demonstrated at an exemplary level during the recent Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Workers Party of Ireland stands in solidarity with the Cuban people and Cuban Communist Party in defence of the Cuban Revolution and its achievements and for an immediate end to all sanctions and the criminal blockade. On behalf of the Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland we salute you and wish you continued success in your efforts to build Socialism in Cuba.

Ted Tynan, President

Gerry Grainger, International Secretary

Email: wpi.international@gmail.com